Hey y'all!
I'm sure you noticed that I didn't put up any posts on Monday or Tuesday. Usually I would have a weekend or event or maybe style post up on Monday, and my Berry Writes post on Tuesday. But I really think I need a break. This isn't the first time I've taken a break on the blog, but this time is a little different.
December 14, 2016
December 9, 2016
Berry Lovely Links
HO MAI GERD, it is freaking cold ooooooooooooo!!! Somebody send me a steaming pot of chicken pepper soup please!
Yay to the weekend again, but boo to working the whole weekend :( Check out my list of links for your reading pleasure below.
Yay to the weekend again, but boo to working the whole weekend :( Check out my list of links for your reading pleasure below.
lovely links,
December 6, 2016
BERRY WRITES - What Are You Afraid Of?
BERRY WRITES is a weekly feature where I will share my thoughts on different topics culled from my 300 Writing Prompts journal. You can look forward to them every Tuesday, and you're very welcome to tell me your experiences and thoughts as well.
Today's entry says - List a few phobias you have. When and how did you discover you had these fears?
Today's entry says - List a few phobias you have. When and how did you discover you had these fears?
berry writes,
December 5, 2016
Berry Thanksgiving Weekend
One of the best things about the Thanksgiving Holiday is the food! Yes, I said it. The food makes me happy thinking about it... although a few days later, I'm lamenting about the amount of weight that comes with so much eating. In our family, a lot of activities are centered around food. Have I ever told you that most Sundays, after church, we have lunch together? My sister, her hubby and kids come over and we all "break bread" together. Everyone (myself included) helps out in one way or another - either by prepping the ingredients, cooking, setting the table, clearing up or doing the dishes.

December 2, 2016
Berry Lovely Links
Yaaaaaaaaaaaay, my second favorite month of the year is here! I love Christmas time, the reason for the season, and the feeling of hope that surrounds this period. As the days lead up to Christmas Day, I've found myself interested in doing an Advent devotional plan on Youversion. Confession - I didn't know what Advent was until earlier this week *hides face in shame* Anyways, I'm kicking off this week's links with...
lovely links,
December 1, 2016
BERRY VLOG: How to Be More Grateful
Exactly a week ago, the US Thanksgiving holiday was upon us. It's typically a day with lots of food, family, friends and fun. Even when I lived in Nigeria, I made sure to be here in Atlanta for Thanksgiving - so that I'd be in Lagos with Cakes for Christmas. I've had a hard time being grateful lately, so I took it upon myself to come up with a list of ways to infuse gratitude into one's life. Tammy, my most frequent vlog guest was home for Thanksgiving and shared some tips as well.
November 29, 2016
BERRY WRITES - Dance Like...
BERRY WRITES is a weekly feature where I will share my thoughts on different topics culled from my 300 Writing Prompts journal. You can look forward to them every Tuesday, and you're very welcome to tell me your experiences and thoughts as well.
Today's entry asks - Do you prefer to dance with no one watching, with a group of friends, or with one special partner?
Today's entry asks - Do you prefer to dance with no one watching, with a group of friends, or with one special partner?
berry writes,
November 28, 2016
The Nigerian Food Fusion Tour Weekend
I love food. I enjoy food. I'm very picky and don't eat a lot of things, but the things I do eat, I really enjoy. I like to joke that one of the reasons why I liked Cakes instantly is because he told me he was a baker. Even he will tell anyone that there's this joy and happiness that makes my whole body tingle when I'm eating something I really like.
berry and cakes,
date night,
November 25, 2016
Berry Lovely Links
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
I hope you had a nice celebration. For everyone who doesn't live in America, I hope you've had a great week. Weekend's here again, and that means... let's relax and read with Berry!!!!
I hope you had a nice celebration. For everyone who doesn't live in America, I hope you've had a great week. Weekend's here again, and that means... let's relax and read with Berry!!!!
lovely links,
November 24, 2016
BERRY VLOG: I was Kicked Out of Church!!!
NO JOKE!!! I've actually shared this story on the blog before, but decided to retell and revamp it for my Youtube channel. Check out the short video to see why I was kicked out of church!
For everyone who has limited data, I was kicked out of church because of what I was wearing. :(
I have another interesting topic for the vlog coming up this weekend! Subscribe to my channel!
For everyone who has limited data, I was kicked out of church because of what I was wearing. :(
I have another interesting topic for the vlog coming up this weekend! Subscribe to my channel!
November 22, 2016
BERRY WRITES - House on Fire
BERRY WRITES is a weekly feature where I will share my thoughts on different topics culled from my 300 Writing Prompts journal. You can look forward to them every Tuesday, and you're very welcome to tell me your experiences and thoughts as well.
berry writes,
November 21, 2016
It's been a while since I've done a Discover Georgia post, hasn't it? A lot of people seem to believe that Georgia begins and ends with Atlanta, without seeing the many other interesting parts of the Peach State. I've shared a few of these posts already and hope to do more very soon. I have an outing planned for this Wednesday actually. Anyways, on to today's post on HELEN, Georgia.
discover georgia,
November 19, 2016
Obodo Oyibo is a docu-series by my sister. She interviewed a few Nigerian and Nigerian-American millennials in the diaspora, on different topics ranging from Inter-Tribal Marriage to Religion to Social Media, Politics and today's topic, Career. Check it out below.
One of the things we talked about in the video is how these days, people wear different hats, e.g. Engineer/Videographer/Blogger or Financial Strategist/Stylist/Editor. Are you one of those?
One of the things we talked about in the video is how these days, people wear different hats, e.g. Engineer/Videographer/Blogger or Financial Strategist/Stylist/Editor. Are you one of those?
obodo oyibo,
of kina,
November 18, 2016
Berry Lovely Links
I would typically be happy it's weekend, so that I can either take out time to rest or just have time off work, but I'm working tomorrow so :(. For those of you who have time to chill over this weekend, check out this week's set of links. My favorite is #4.
I would typically be happy it's weekend, so that I can either take out time to rest or just have time off work, but I'm working tomorrow so :(. For those of you who have time to chill over this weekend, check out this week's set of links. My favorite is #4.
lovely links,
November 17, 2016
I know it's something I've talked about here before - all the negativity that's out there in the world these days, especially online and social media. Here's a short message from me to you today to show some kindness to people in your sphere! You never know who's watching or whose life you're touching.
November 16, 2016
Learn How To Sew And Start A Profitable Side Hustle
Have you ever thought about taking up sewing for yourself? Maybe you've been burned badly by tailors, like I certainly have. Or maybe you're tired of spending a lot of money. You might even have design ideas in your head, but don't know how to turn them into reality. Or you're looking for an extra source of income but don't have time to take sewing classes?
If any of the above resonates with you, then we have the best solution for YOU.
sponsored post
November 14, 2016
Goofing Around With My Cousin Rexie
I hope you had a lovely weekend, as I did. I didn't do a lot, but attended a seminar in church that was quite eye-opening and powerful. It definitely cemented in my heart that God does know us BEFORE we're even conceived or born.
Anyway, you guys have met my cousin Rexie before. We went to this event together (the photos from today's post are actually from that day). We've talked about Aso Ebi drama on my Youtube channel. And she's appeared here and there on the blog.
I hope you had a lovely weekend, as I did. I didn't do a lot, but attended a seminar in church that was quite eye-opening and powerful. It definitely cemented in my heart that God does know us BEFORE we're even conceived or born.
Anyway, you guys have met my cousin Rexie before. We went to this event together (the photos from today's post are actually from that day). We've talked about Aso Ebi drama on my Youtube channel. And she's appeared here and there on the blog.
November 12, 2016
OBODO OYIBO - Politics
Obodo Oyibo is a docu-series by my sister. She interviewed a few Nigerian and Nigerian-American millennials in the diaspora, on different topics ranging from Inter-Tribal Marriage to Religion to Social Media, and today's topic, Politics. Check it out below.
In this episode, Nigerian politics, as well as American politics is discussed - which is quite timely, considering the political upheaval that just occurred in America.
November 8, 2016
BERRY WRITES - The First Thing I Saved Money For
BERRY WRITES is a weekly feature where I will share my thoughts on different topics culled from my 300 Writing Prompts journal. You can look forward to them every Tuesday, and you're very welcome to tell me your experiences and thoughts as well.
berry writes,
November 7, 2016
Berry at a Table of 20
Hey there!
It's the start of another work week, and while there might be challenges, I pray we all overcome them and have beautiful and positive weeks! A few months ago, while browsing through blogs via Bloglovin (follow me please!), I came across an event on Titi's blog. You might remember Titi from this post. I got in touch with the hostess and determined to attend at some point, and that point was 2 weekends ago. Today I'm going to share a little bit about my time at Erica's Table of 20.
It's the start of another work week, and while there might be challenges, I pray we all overcome them and have beautiful and positive weeks! A few months ago, while browsing through blogs via Bloglovin (follow me please!), I came across an event on Titi's blog. You might remember Titi from this post. I got in touch with the hostess and determined to attend at some point, and that point was 2 weekends ago. Today I'm going to share a little bit about my time at Erica's Table of 20.
November 4, 2016
Berry Lovely Links
Hey there!
How's your week been? Mine's been interesting, but let's just say that it's very important to speak positively about yourself and your situation! Before I start typing long story, let's get into the links for this week :)
How's your week been? Mine's been interesting, but let's just say that it's very important to speak positively about yourself and your situation! Before I start typing long story, let's get into the links for this week :)
lovely links,
November 3, 2016
BERRY VLOG - On Soulmates
Not too long ago, my sister tagged me in a post and it had to do with soulmates. Over the years, I've changed my thought process on whether soulmates are real or not. But while doing quick "research" during the filming of this vlog, I got totally stumped!
dating and relationships,
November 1, 2016
It's November!!! The month when we celebrate Thanksgiving in the US. There's a lot to be thankful for, and coincidentally, my entry for this week's Berry Writes called for me to write a one-minute thank you note to someone. That someone is YOU.
berry writes,
October 31, 2016
Owl-O-Ween Weekend
Befitting post title aye? Today's the official day of Halloween, which is celebrated in many countries across the world. It's also known as All Hallow's Eve. Some people believe that this holiday has pagan roots, while others believe that it was started as a Christian holiday meant as a day of remembrance for the dearly departed. In a lot of places, Halloween is mostly a commercialized holiday complete with decorations, parties, dressing up, and more. In others, church services are attended and candles lit to remember loved ones who have been lost.
October 29, 2016
OBODO OYIBO - Social Media Part 1
Obodo Oyibo is a docu-series by my sister. She interviewed a few Nigerian and Nigerian-American millennials in the diaspora, on different topics ranging from Inter-Tribal Marriage to Religion to Politics, and today's topic, Social Media. Check it out below.
Tell me - what social media platforms do YOU use?
Tell me - what social media platforms do YOU use?
obodo oyibo,
of kina,
October 28, 2016
Berry Lovely Links
Weekend time!!! Check out my latest set of links below. I hope you enjoy them or learn as much as I did.
Weekend time!!! Check out my latest set of links below. I hope you enjoy them or learn as much as I did.
lovely links,
October 27, 2016
I was tagged a few months ago by Ifeyinwa, and just kept forgetting to do this Youtube tag. I've done other tags before, and I quite enjoy doing them as you don't have to think too much and the questions are typically fun to answer :)
This tag is just right up my alley, since sometimes I tend to overshare information. It's all in good fun though, innit?
I hope you enjoyed watching! Please subscribe to my Youtube channel - I aim to post a new video every Sunday! Don't forget, you can also follow me on Snapchat and Instagram@BerryDakara.
This tag is just right up my alley, since sometimes I tend to overshare information. It's all in good fun though, innit?
I hope you enjoyed watching! Please subscribe to my Youtube channel - I aim to post a new video every Sunday! Don't forget, you can also follow me on Snapchat and Instagram
October 26, 2016
Savvy and Chic 4-Step Comb Systems
Nigerian entrepreneurs are on a roll! With the slumped economy, I've been enjoying watching young Nigerians come up with creative ways to earn or supplement their income. From tech to fashion to beauty, a large number of Nigerians are coming up with products and services that could rival their foreign counterparts.
One entrepreneur I've watched in admiration over the years is Daboju, aka Dabs of Naija Hair Can Grow, and the Savvy and Chic Hair and Beauty Hub. She is a budding beauty mogul, who grew her business from her blog! *side note to self* Berry, what the heck are you doing?!?!?!?!?!?*
One entrepreneur I've watched in admiration over the years is Daboju, aka Dabs of Naija Hair Can Grow, and the Savvy and Chic Hair and Beauty Hub. She is a budding beauty mogul, who grew her business from her blog! *side note to self* Berry, what the heck are you doing?!?!?!?!?!?*
October 25, 2016
BERRY WRITES is a weekly feature where I will share my thoughts on different topics culled from my 300 Writing Prompts journal. You can look forward to them every Tuesday, and you're very welcome to tell me your experiences and thoughts as well.
berry writes,
October 24, 2016
Berry and Cakes Statesboro Weekend
Road trips are always fun to embark on. As long as they can be, if you're with the right person or crew, you can have a car load of fun! Cakes and I have been on many road trips together (see here, here, here, and here). We've also gone with others on other trips, like when we visited Ibadan. While driving in Nigeria can be heart-pounding at times, driving across the US is a lot easier - mostly because of the good roads, and loads of places to rest if you need to.
October 22, 2016
OBODO OYIBO - Inter-tribal Dating
Nigeria is made up of over 300 different tribes, with the largest ones being Yoruba, Hausa and Igbo.
We grew up in Port Harcourt, Rivers State, and maybe because we were sheltered, we didn't "see" tribes. We simply had friends who had villages different from ours, but there was no division based on where your origin was. Little did I know that there was great animosity between tribes, especially when it came to marriage. Some parents even demand that their children marry someone from the same village! You would think this attitude would remain in Nigeria, but it has trickled down to Nigerians in the diaspora. Watch Tammy's episode on Inter-tribal Dating, where young Nigerians in America speak on the topic.
tribe -trīb/noun
a social division in a traditional society consisting of families or communities linked by social, economic, religious, or blood ties, with a common culture and dialect, typically having a recognized leader.
We grew up in Port Harcourt, Rivers State, and maybe because we were sheltered, we didn't "see" tribes. We simply had friends who had villages different from ours, but there was no division based on where your origin was. Little did I know that there was great animosity between tribes, especially when it came to marriage. Some parents even demand that their children marry someone from the same village! You would think this attitude would remain in Nigeria, but it has trickled down to Nigerians in the diaspora. Watch Tammy's episode on Inter-tribal Dating, where young Nigerians in America speak on the topic.
obodo oyibo,
of kina,
October 21, 2016
Berry Lovely Links
I hope you've had a very good week! How's your weekend looking? Mine is going to be very very busy - eeeeeek! Everyone please wish my dad a Happy Birthday, which is tomorrow :)
I hope you've had a very good week! How's your weekend looking? Mine is going to be very very busy - eeeeeek! Everyone please wish my dad a Happy Birthday, which is tomorrow :)
lovely links,
October 20, 2016
BERRY VLOG: To Asoebi or Not?!
My cousin, Rexie, and I were out the other day (actually the day of this post) and we started chatting about weddings and things, and the subject of Aso ebi came up. I thought it would be fun for us - and you hopefully - to do it in a vlog!
October 18, 2016
BERRY WRITES - A Quick Love Story
BERRY WRITES is a weekly feature where I will share my thoughts on different topics culled from my 300 Writing Prompts journal. You can look forward to them every Tuesday, and you're very welcome to tell me your experiences and thoughts as well.
berry writes,
dating and relationships,
October 17, 2016
Radisson Blu Lagos Weekend
AM I IN NIGERIA?!?!?!?!?!! And I didn't tell anybody?!?!?!?!?!? The answer is no. These are old photos from when I hung out with my friend Feyfey. I actually met her through blogging, and you might remember her from this post. Anyways, some time this year before this happened, we met up to have drinks, food and just talk about life in general. She's such a sweetheart, and I'm really thankful for her (and others) who I've met through blogging.
October 15, 2016
Introducing OBODO OYIBO
According to the Migration Policy Institute, the number of Nigerians living in America rose from 25,000 in 1980 to 376,000 within the past few years, with the largest population living in New York, Texas and Maryland. This in turn means that more and more of that population, the first and second generations consider themselves to be "Nigerian-American." My sister, Tammy, conducted a series of interviews with a small set of young Nigerians who have lived in America for over a decade, or who were born and raised here. See the trailers below.
obodo oyibo,
of kina,
October 14, 2016
Berry Lovely Links
I know this is several weeks late *hides face* but my Lovely Links are still something I look forward to sharing with you every Friday! Here's to scheduling these links ahead of time aye?!
I know this is several weeks late *hides face* but my Lovely Links are still something I look forward to sharing with you every Friday! Here's to scheduling these links ahead of time aye?!
lovely links,
October 13, 2016
BERRY VLOG - My First Heartbreak
Young love... I remember what it felt like to be young and "in love" so many moons ago. Back then, I was so sure about love being like a fairy tale, no thanks to Disney. DISCLAIMER - I LOVE DISNEY!!! Anyways, during our weekend trip with just the girls, we gisted and laughed about all our shenanigans from way back when. My cousin reminded me about this guy who I could just not get over, for absolutely no reason! I mean, we dated for just a month, and yet years later, I would still be crying over him - I told you, MAKES NO SENSE! Watch as I gist a little bit about it in my latest vlog.
dating and relationships,
October 12, 2016
Nacha Kama Photography
I'd like to introduce you to Nacha Kama Photography. As you know, photography is something I am quite interested in and have been considering turning into a side hustle, so it pleases me to share a few photos from my friend, Nacha. Also note that she's currently showing some of her works at the City of University of New York, so if you're in the area, have a look see!
October 11, 2016
BERRY WRITES is a weekly feature where I will share my thoughts on different topics culled from my 300 Writing Prompts journal. You can look forward to them every Tuesday, and you're very welcome to tell me your experiences and thoughts as well.
berry writes,
October 10, 2016
Candy Vault Nail Spa and Shoes Opening
Last weekend, I was invited by The B Firm PR to a salon/boutique opening in Atlanta. As you know, I frequently attended such events in Lagos, Nigeria and since moving back to the US, my events-hopping waned. So I was happy to be invited and I look forward to more great shindigs happening in Atlanta.
October 6, 2016
BERRY VLOG: The 5-Minute Makeup Challenge
A few months ago my sister and I decided to do the 5-Minute Makeup Challenge that was going around on Youtube. We both enjoy makeup, even though we're not pro's - I do have to say that Tammy is way better at it than I am though. I had seen other people do it on Youtube and thought it would be an easy feat, but as you can tell in the video - it really isn't!
Oh, and I found out I had been using the worst BB cream ever when I saw my final results! Has that ever happened to you - thinking you look fly and then looking in the mirror (or seeing video) and seeing how horrendous you actually look?! Ah well. Don't forget to subscribe to my Youtube channel! The plan is to post a new video every single week :)
Oh, and I found out I had been using the worst BB cream ever when I saw my final results! Has that ever happened to you - thinking you look fly and then looking in the mirror (or seeing video) and seeing how horrendous you actually look?! Ah well. Don't forget to subscribe to my Youtube channel! The plan is to post a new video every single week :)
October 4, 2016
BERRY WRITES - The Best Thing About Being Partnered
I'm introducing a new segment on the blog, called BERRY WRITES. I'm sure I've mentioned more than a few times that even though I have been blogging for a few years, I don't consider myself to be a writer. It doesn't make sense, but I'm weird like that. Even when I get compliments about this blog and other pieces I've written (check out some of them here), I usually reply with very modest gratitude. In one of my recent vlogs, someone asked me if I'd consider writing a book and even though I'm still very skeptical that anyone would want to read a book by me, I am challenging myself to write more.
I got this journal a month ago with the express intention of writing everyday for 300 days. Today was the first time I wrote in it, and I intend to share some of my thoughts in this journal with you. This will be a weekly feature - on Tuesdays - and you're welcome to add your own thoughts in the comments every week :)
I got this journal a month ago with the express intention of writing everyday for 300 days. Today was the first time I wrote in it, and I intend to share some of my thoughts in this journal with you. This will be a weekly feature - on Tuesdays - and you're welcome to add your own thoughts in the comments every week :)
berry writes,
dating and relationships,
October 3, 2016
Way Too Much Weekend FUN!
Have you ever had those weekends that were full of so much activity, that you wouldn't know where to start from if you had to describe it? For those of you in Nigeria, I know you're currently having that weekend because of Independence Day festivities and events - which I listed as one of the things I miss most about Nigeria. Well, I had a FULL weekend! From Friday evening up until early Sunday morning, it felt like nonstop activity. As in, on Sunday I completely refused to do anything apart from go to church. I still hadn't even fully recovered from our weekend in DC, and now I added some more. As usual, the people who follow me on Snapchat and Instagram @BerryDakara saw all the action as it happened :)
Have you ever had those weekends that were full of so much activity, that you wouldn't know where to start from if you had to describe it? For those of you in Nigeria, I know you're currently having that weekend because of Independence Day festivities and events - which I listed as one of the things I miss most about Nigeria. Well, I had a FULL weekend! From Friday evening up until early Sunday morning, it felt like nonstop activity. As in, on Sunday I completely refused to do anything apart from go to church. I still hadn't even fully recovered from our weekend in DC, and now I added some more. As usual, the people who follow me on Snapchat and Instagram @BerryDakara saw all the action as it happened :)
September 29, 2016
BERRY VLOG: Six Month Update
Last week, I shared a little about my journey towards getting to 1 Million views on my blog. I also answered some questions that were sent to me about my experience with blogging generally. I had also called for questions concerning what I've been up to in Atlanta for the past 6 months. Although some of the questions did not exactly relate to the topic, I still went ahead to answer them - like why I don't cook, and mostly leave my husband to do the cooking :p
In the video, I talk a little bit about my new job, writing a book, blogging full time and more, so definitely check it out :)
Don't forget to follow me on Social Media -@BerryDakara
Last week, I shared a little about my journey towards getting to 1 Million views on my blog. I also answered some questions that were sent to me about my experience with blogging generally. I had also called for questions concerning what I've been up to in Atlanta for the past 6 months. Although some of the questions did not exactly relate to the topic, I still went ahead to answer them - like why I don't cook, and mostly leave my husband to do the cooking :p
In the video, I talk a little bit about my new job, writing a book, blogging full time and more, so definitely check it out :)
Don't forget to follow me on Social Media -
September 27, 2016
Visiting Washington DC Part 2
Our trip to Washington DC over the past weekend was really fun, but very short. We were literally in DC for just 30 hours, so you can imagine how little sleep we got on both Friday and Saturday nights. It was all in good fun though, and we're very happy for our friend and his lovely new wife.
A video posted by Berry Dakara (@berrydakara) on
September 26, 2016
Visiting Washington DC Weekend - Part 1
Hey y'all,
How was your weekend? Mine was good but very very tiring. The fact that I have this post up means that I love you guys, and I wanted something for you to read - because all I want to do is SLEEP! If you saw my Snapchat story over the weekend, you know that we barely got any sleep between Friday night and Sunday morning. In fact, we slept for 3 hours on Saturday night after my friend's wedding as we had to be out of the hotel by 4:30am to catch our early flight back to Atlanta. I'm going to break up this post into 2 parts because I have too many photos... what else is new?
September 23, 2016
Berry Lovely Links
Hi there!
Weekend's here and I'm excited! I'm off to DC with my sister and cousin from this post, and I'll be posting on Instagram Stories and Snapchat the whole weekend so FOLLOW ME to get all the scoop! My handle is @BerryDakara and you can chat with me in real time, as we dance away and go to visit Uncle B and Aunty Mimi. But first, we've got stuff to read!!!
Weekend's here and I'm excited! I'm off to DC with my sister and cousin from this post, and I'll be posting on Instagram Stories and Snapchat the whole weekend so FOLLOW ME to get all the scoop! My handle is @BerryDakara and you can chat with me in real time, as we dance away and go to visit Uncle B and Aunty Mimi. But first, we've got stuff to read!!!
lovely links,
September 22, 2016
BERRY VLOG: 1 Million Blog Views
1 million blog views!!! One whole million! 7 digits! I wish every view came with a dollar - then I'd REALLY be celebrating :p But yup, the blog crossed 1 million views last week. It's something I had been looking forward to since the beginning of the year. I thought it would come sooner, but thank God we have reached this milestone.
September 21, 2016
My Favorite Childhood Activities
Have you seen my childhood?! (if you scroll through this post, you'll see some photos) When I think about my childhood memories, they bring a smile to not only my face, but my heart. I had a wonderful one, and I'm so grateful to my parents. We may not have had the conventional Nigerian lifestyle, but I would NEVER trade it for anything!
Why am I going on about my childhood, you ask? Well, last week I was on Twitter (are you following me yet?) and I saw the following tweet from Kachi, who blogs here.
Why am I going on about my childhood, you ask? Well, last week I was on Twitter (are you following me yet?) and I saw the following tweet from Kachi, who blogs here.
I need to and I'm going to learn how to jump rope. What did I do with my childhood. 😢— Kachi Tila-Adesina (@KacheeTee) September 12, 2016
September 19, 2016
Berry Brunch Weekend
Hi there darlns!
How was your weekend? I hope you had a good one - hopefully got to rest and relax. I wish I had spent more time relaxing, but I had a good weekend. I ate waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much! I don't know what it is about weekends that make you feel like you can eat whatever you want. On Saturday, at my sister's BBQ I ate so much that I felt too full... and then had TWO helpings of cake and ice cream! I need to stop - somebody help me!
How was your weekend? I hope you had a good one - hopefully got to rest and relax. I wish I had spent more time relaxing, but I had a good weekend. I ate waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much! I don't know what it is about weekends that make you feel like you can eat whatever you want. On Saturday, at my sister's BBQ I ate so much that I felt too full... and then had TWO helpings of cake and ice cream! I need to stop - somebody help me!
September 18, 2016
Berry's Bible Study - 10 Bible Verses to Help You While You're Trying to Conceive
Hey there!
It's been a really long time since I did a Bible Study post - it was something I wanted to do regularly as mentioned in my 2016 Blog Goals. Somehow I lost track of doing it. I think it might have had something to do with the failed procedure that I mentioned here.
It's been a really long time since I did a Bible Study post - it was something I wanted to do regularly as mentioned in my 2016 Blog Goals. Somehow I lost track of doing it. I think it might have had something to do with the failed procedure that I mentioned here.
bible study,
trying to conceive
September 15, 2016
Simple Protective Natural Hair Style
I haven't done anything hair-related in a while, and since you guys liked my hair from this post, and someone specifically requested it, I decided to record and post this tutorial. It's a very simple natural hair style that can be done on medium to long hair. Since my ends are tucked away, it's a protective hair style and if maintained properly, can be worn for up to a week or even more.
If you're able to recreate it, feel free to tag me or send photos!
If you liked this video and tutorial, you might also like this other one with clip-ins.
Oh, and definitely click the HAIR tab at the top of the screen to see other hair posts I've done.
I haven't done anything hair-related in a while, and since you guys liked my hair from this post, and someone specifically requested it, I decided to record and post this tutorial. It's a very simple natural hair style that can be done on medium to long hair. Since my ends are tucked away, it's a protective hair style and if maintained properly, can be worn for up to a week or even more.
If you're able to recreate it, feel free to tag me or send photos!
If you liked this video and tutorial, you might also like this other one with clip-ins.
Oh, and definitely click the HAIR tab at the top of the screen to see other hair posts I've done.
natural hair,
September 12, 2016
Photoshoot Weekend!
How are ya? How was your weekend? I hope you had a good one and are looking forward to a great week ahead. It seems like my weekend posts might be making a comeback. I'm not promising anything but on the weekends I have activities, I WILL post follow-up recaps. Sound good to you? Okay, let's catwalk into this post and the new week.
How are ya? How was your weekend? I hope you had a good one and are looking forward to a great week ahead. It seems like my weekend posts might be making a comeback. I'm not promising anything but on the weekends I have activities, I WILL post follow-up recaps. Sound good to you? Okay, let's catwalk into this post and the new week.
September 11, 2016
September 11th
Today marks the 15th memorial of September 11th. On this day in 2001, it seemed like the world changed for the worse. To those who may scoff at this post because of other atrocities that happened in other countries before then, kindly note that I am NOT discounting them. But this was the first time in my life that I became really aware of terrorism.
September 10, 2016
Berry Lovely Links
I'm sorry this is late, but I wanted to get this posted this weekend! I hope you're having a nice one so far :)
I'm sorry this is late, but I wanted to get this posted this weekend! I hope you're having a nice one so far :)
lovely links,
September 8, 2016
Labor Day Weekend
Hey everyone,
Is it me or has anyone else noticed the subtle changes that new seasons bring? On my way to work this week, I've noticed the morning air is a bit crispy and lovely, just the way I like it. Fall officially starts on the 22nd of this month, and people begin to wind down summer during Labor Day weekend, which was this past weekend. Anyone who follows me on Instagram and Snapchat was treated to a whole weekend of fun, from the wedding our family attended to my sister's birthday dinner.
Is it me or has anyone else noticed the subtle changes that new seasons bring? On my way to work this week, I've noticed the morning air is a bit crispy and lovely, just the way I like it. Fall officially starts on the 22nd of this month, and people begin to wind down summer during Labor Day weekend, which was this past weekend. Anyone who follows me on Instagram and Snapchat was treated to a whole weekend of fun, from the wedding our family attended to my sister's birthday dinner.
September 6, 2016
Nigerian Alternative Music Playlist
Hey everyone,
This wasn't the post I intended for today. I wanted to share some photos from Labor Day weekend, which was a blast mostly! There was a wedding - lots of dancing, and my sister's birthday dinner - even more dancing!!! But my Windows explorer is being wonky and not letting me even see the pictures folder, so I'll share tomorrow. Anyways, here's this post I wanted to publish later on this week.
This wasn't the post I intended for today. I wanted to share some photos from Labor Day weekend, which was a blast mostly! There was a wedding - lots of dancing, and my sister's birthday dinner - even more dancing!!! But my Windows explorer is being wonky and not letting me even see the pictures folder, so I'll share tomorrow. Anyways, here's this post I wanted to publish later on this week.
September 3, 2016
Ask Me Anything Vlogs Q&A
Hi everyone!
I don't usually post on Saturdays but I wanted to put this out there. In the next 2 weeks I want to shoot 2 new vlogs, and they will both have a Question and Answer segment. The two videos I plan to post are:
I'm looking forward to reading and answering your questions :D
I don't usually post on Saturdays but I wanted to put this out there. In the next 2 weeks I want to shoot 2 new vlogs, and they will both have a Question and Answer segment. The two videos I plan to post are:
- My Blogging Journey Through The Years to celebrate an upcoming milestone.
- My Six Months Update after moving to Atlanta (see my one month update here)
So I'm opening the floor to any questions you might have. If there's anything you're curious about - you already know I'm kind of an open book - ask away!
I'm looking forward to reading and answering your questions :D
September 2, 2016
Berry Lovely Links
Hiya Darlns!
Welcome to September! The Ember months are here which means the year is almost over!!! Are there any goals you set your mind to completing this year? You have 4 months left, so get cracking.
I'm sorry I didn't put up a post last week Friday - Cakes had just gotten back and I hadn't prepared the post ahead of time. My humble apologies to you. Forgive me?
Welcome to September! The Ember months are here which means the year is almost over!!! Are there any goals you set your mind to completing this year? You have 4 months left, so get cracking.
I'm sorry I didn't put up a post last week Friday - Cakes had just gotten back and I hadn't prepared the post ahead of time. My humble apologies to you. Forgive me?
lovely links,
September 1, 2016
Why You Need Alone Time in your Relationship
Hey there!
As you all know, Cakes and I were apart for almost two months recently. His bakery still runs in Lagos, Nigeria and he went to go and check on things over there. Like I have mentioned before, he will be going back and forth between Lagos and Atlanta. For now, he's here until December so if you're in Atlanta, call 404-993-3770 to order your cakes and small chops.
Anyways, while he was away, I kept getting questions and messages that insinuated that I was probably miserable because he wasn't with me. Erm... not quite.
As you all know, Cakes and I were apart for almost two months recently. His bakery still runs in Lagos, Nigeria and he went to go and check on things over there. Like I have mentioned before, he will be going back and forth between Lagos and Atlanta. For now, he's here until December so if you're in Atlanta, call 404-993-3770 to order your cakes and small chops.
Anyways, while he was away, I kept getting questions and messages that insinuated that I was probably miserable because he wasn't with me. Erm... not quite.
August 30, 2016
Weekend Post?
Hi there!
In my post where I listed some of the things I miss most about Nigeria, I mentioned that I missed going to little events on weekends and posting them on Mondays here on the blog. Mondays used to be the biggest traffic draws on my blog, and I was quite concerned that moving to Atlanta would indirectly cause a drop in my blog traffic since I wouldn't be attending as many events anymore. It's not like I don't go out at all, but it certainly is not as frequent as before. This weekend was different though. It was my mum's birthday on Saturday and we had a whole weekend of fun!!!
August 29, 2016
FACE Your Fears
A few days ago on Facebook, I saw a post from Kemi Lewis. I've mentioned her a few times on this blog, as she's one of my favorite Natural Hair stylists. Every time I've gotten my hair trimmed, I've gone to her salon, KL's Naturals. She is a wiz with styling natural hair and her hands are so gentle. Anyways, I saw her post and she gave me permission to share it with you. It's a very inspiring piece where she shared about facing her fears. I hope you get something out of it.
August 25, 2016
The BEST Saturday I've Had in a While
Ladies and gentlemen,
Right now, as I type, it's Saturday night. I feel light and airy, and it's been a while since I've felt this way. I hope come Thursday, as you read this and leave comments, I still feel the same way. I almost feel like I'm walking on clouds and life is really good! What happened this Saturday, you ask? Anyone who watched my stories on Instagram or Snapchat have an idea, but might think that nothing special happened. Well, come close and I'll spill the beans.
Before you laugh at me, or roll your eyes, just hear me out.
Right now, as I type, it's Saturday night. I feel light and airy, and it's been a while since I've felt this way. I hope come Thursday, as you read this and leave comments, I still feel the same way. I almost feel like I'm walking on clouds and life is really good! What happened this Saturday, you ask? Anyone who watched my stories on Instagram or Snapchat have an idea, but might think that nothing special happened. Well, come close and I'll spill the beans.
Before you laugh at me, or roll your eyes, just hear me out.
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natural hair,
August 24, 2016
Iro and Denim
It's been a while since I've done a style post. They aren't something I plan ahead a lot of times - they are usually spur of the moment, and won't usually be written in advance here. This pas weekend, while trying to organize my bedroom a little bit, I found my Iro and Buba (remember the first time I wore it here). I decided I would wear it to church on Sunday, and felt very much like an asoebi bella. I have to admit, wearing easy, breezy traditional outfits (like here) should have been one of the things I miss about being in Nigeria.
August 23, 2016
Learn How to Sew and DIY
The instructor for the day is 'Nedu Ahanonu; an avid sewista who is passionate about making the sewing process appear both easy and doable. She strongly believes in the DIY ethic because it promotes the mindset of self-sufficiency and an entrepreneurial spirit.
'Nedu also writes a a witty blog about her musings and sewing projects at www.nedoux.com.
Date: Saturday 27 August, 2016
Time: 12:00 pm prompt
Location: Ikoyi, Lagos
Come and learn about the dressmaking process and sew a pretty garment. Limited seats are available, for enquiries about the fee and venue, please send an email to nedouxsews@gmail.com & cock tailsncraft@gmail.com .
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