October 29, 2018

Cruise Vacay - Cozumel, Mexico

Hi there!!!!

Last week I shared photos from our cruise stop in Nassau, Bahamas. Today, it's time to see my 1 and a half'th favorite stop in COZUMEL, Mexico!!!!!

October 26, 2018

Berry Lovely Links

It's FRIDAY! And it's PAYDAY! Which means it's BUDGET AND BILLS DAY too!!!!

Adulting sha. Anyways, I don't have much to say about this week. I hope yours was good. I posted a video on my Youtube channel this week, so please check it out. And without further ado, here are my interesting reads for the week.

October 22, 2018

Cruise Vacation - Nassau Bahamas

Hey there!

How are ya? And how was your weekend? I hope it was great. Mine was sooooooo unexpected, but I won't address it here. From today, for the next few posts, I want to share about my family cruise vacation to the Caribbean in September. We traveled on Royal Caribbean's Allure of the Seas, for a 7-night cruise. We had 4 stops in total, visiting the Bahamas, Mexico and Honduras. It was a very memorable trip, and today I'm going to share a few short stories and some photos.

Unfortunately, I didn't get as many photos (and videos) as I thought I would. But the few ones I have, I'm very happy to share.

October 19, 2018

Berry Lovely Links

It's been an up and down week for me - complete with belly-aching laughter, heart-wrenching tears at my office desk, even more tears at home listening to worship songs, questioning my lot in life, pure joy at discovering Cocoa is kinda engaged when it's time to pray, etc. I'm so ready for the weekend. 

I hope you enjoy the links I curated.

October 15, 2018

Discover Georgia - Wild Safari

Hi there!

I have another Discover Georgia post for you today - this is my travel series, highlighting different destinations and tourist attractions within Georgia (because Atlanta is NOT Georgia, only a city). We visited Wild Safari in Pine Mountain, Georgia. It's basically a park that offers the safari experience - most of the animals are free to roam the park grounds - and you can either drive through in your car, or hop on one of their buses, and quite a few of the animals will walk up to you looking for treats! To be honest, when people talk about traveling to Kenya to go on a safari tour, I'm one of the least interested. It could be due to my fear of animals... I guess they're nice to see? Anyways, since I know I'm not going to visit a real safari, I jumped at the chance to go on this mini one right in our backyard. It was a fun experience, and everyone enjoyed themselves.

I'll let you enjoy the photos now.

October 13, 2018

BERRY VLOG - 12 Tips for Traveling with a Baby or Toddler

Does traveling with a baby sound like a hassle? I'm not going to lie... IT IS! But I've shared 12 tips garnered from traveling with my baby (now toddler) in the past year. I have taken Cocoa on 2 road trips, 4 domestic round trip flights, 1 round trip long haul international flight, and even gone on a cruise. She's visited 4 countries so far - Nigeria, Honduras, Mexico and the Bahamas. So check out this video and you might learn something that will make traveling with your baby or toddler on your next trip, just a little smoother!

October 12, 2018

Berry Lovely Links


Fridays can't come soon enough for me. I like having my weekends free (upgrade from my previous job). It gives me time to catch up on errands, indulge in a little self care, and enjoy time with Cocoa. And hopefully, since I think I'm getting back in the swing of blogging, I will have time to catch up on other blogs and Youtube. Share any links you think I'd like in the comments! And, check out MY links that I think you may enjoy.

October 8, 2018

12 Ways to Indulge in Self Care

Being a mother has certainly shown me how tough it is to be a parent. A lot of parents (mostly women in my opinion) tend to sacrifice themselves in the way of time and attention, for the sake of their children. The little time you do get to yourself is spent on chores, running errands, and the like. But I've realized that it's very important to intentionally take time for self-care. Self care does not mean that you're being selfish and neglecting everyone else's needs. It just means that you realize that you also need to be taken care of. In today's post, I'm going to share some of the little ways I indulge in a little Self Care, and I hope you'll share yours with me in the comments as well.

October 5, 2018

Berry Lovely Links

Hey there,

Thank God it's Friday! Even though I just got back from vacation on Sunday, I have looked forward to this weekend, so that I can just regroup and catch my breath. I've been thinking about going back to sharing some of the interesting things I read online, and decided to just take the plunge and do it today! But first, make sure you check my Instagram account (@BerryDakara) to see the CUTEST video of Cocoa dancing - she dances whenever food or music is involved!

October 1, 2018

Traveling with a Baby - Part 4 - Prepare for the Unexpected!

In my conclusion of this series, Traveling with a Baby, I'm going to share some of the unexpected surprises and challenges we encountered that came from our trip to Nigeria to visit my husband. 

For our 9 day-stay, these were the things that I packed for Cocoa and myself. I really thought I had done very well in getting everything ready and making sure we would be covered during our vacation. However, life was just waiting to laugh at me.