January 9, 2013

Great Minds Dress Alike!


So, I bought this dress a few years ago from H&M. Imagine my delight when I discovered that the FLOTUS had the same dress!

She is such a stylish woman, and I love that we gravitated towards the same dress. Like her, I accessorized with short black heels (these are my most comfy heels, so it's not like I was trying to copy her - and anyways, black heels go well with almost everything). The necklace I'm wearing though was made by yours truly. I'll put up a different post with that.

PICK YOUR FAVE!!! And erm, remember she's POTUS's wife, so she's used to getting votes. Why don't you shock her today and vote for me only?

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  1. Lol. Just because of that I last line I voted for you. I do prefer the colour you chose. I found your blog though Bella Naija btw :)

    1. Awwwwww, thanks! LOL!

      Pity votes count as votes too!


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