Woot the woot woot! It's my birthday tomorrow and I'm sooooooo excited to be turning 27 again! I would have opted for 25, but let's face it, my weight these days is not allowing my young-looking genes to be great >:( so we'll opt for 27 this year. Never mind that I turned Thirty Flirty two years ago, okay?
So where were we? Yes, it's my birthday tomorrow and I'm very pleased and excited to announce that not only am I having a birthday party, YOU ARE also invited!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yup, I'm just feeling very very generous right now and I want to share my special day with you, so let's get ready to Party over here, Party over there - Whooop whoooooooooooooooooooop!
Oops, I almost forgot the details! Silly me.
May 28, 2014
May 26, 2014
My Artsy Weekend with Cakes and Lola aka African Naturalistas
Hey everyone!
Remember how I promised to make an effort to go out on weekends and take pictures to share? I did quite well this weekend. On Friday, while scrolling through Instagram, I noticed that Nike Art Gallery in Lekki posted the a new exhibition opening on Saturday, so I asked what time it was but never got an answer back.
*NOTE to businesses using Instagram: respond to followers questions and comments. Also check your inbox because you might have messages there as well.*
On Saturday afternoon, after taking a much needed nap, I woke up feeling restless. The house was clean, Cakes was well fed, and I remembered I'd said I'd meet up with Lola aka @ilola aka Madam African Naturalistas (she's also a Spoken Word artist, who has NEVER invited me to any of her gigs). Mind you, she calls me her employee because I contribute weekly to her natural hair care blog. Anyways, I called Nike Art Gallery to get more information about what I'd seen on Instagram and they said the opening event was from 4pm to 7pm. I quickly got energized anddemanded asked that Cakes come with me. He wanted to sleep in all day :( But I remembered that the X-Men movie was out, so I used it to entice him into leaving the house.Actually, he didn't seem all that interested and just when I gave up hope on his coming with me, he got dressed and ended up waiting for me to finish with my hurrs and makeup. Oh, and he likes to comment about what I'm wearing, which is VERY annoying, but in this instance he was right.
Nike Art Gallery is WONDERFUL! I wish I could go and spend 2 or 3 hours there, soaking up all the wonderful pieces. I wish I had money to even buy some of them. But this chick is not ready to part with hundreds of thousands of naira - it's not that serious right now. In fact, if the piece is more than N5000, sorry but no thanks. The featured artist, Ndidi, as it turned out, went to the same university as Cakes! And her artwork is really nice. As in, millions of naira nice! Lola ended up coming to meet us there and while she isn't into visual art (which I found strange cos she seems like the artistic type), she had a blast gisting with Cakes. Funny, she thought he'd be a serious, quiet, reserved person. I have no idea where she got that from. She was pleasantly surprised. Also, she got to see firsthand how Tom & Jerry our love is :p
Anyways, I've written enough, so enjoy ze pictures we managed to get and check out my hurrs from Sunday (remember I'm doing the #31DaysofKinkz hair challenge on Instagram - see public Facebook album link here)
Remember how I promised to make an effort to go out on weekends and take pictures to share? I did quite well this weekend. On Friday, while scrolling through Instagram, I noticed that Nike Art Gallery in Lekki posted the a new exhibition opening on Saturday, so I asked what time it was but never got an answer back.
*NOTE to businesses using Instagram: respond to followers questions and comments. Also check your inbox because you might have messages there as well.*
On Saturday afternoon, after taking a much needed nap, I woke up feeling restless. The house was clean, Cakes was well fed, and I remembered I'd said I'd meet up with Lola aka @ilola aka Madam African Naturalistas (she's also a Spoken Word artist, who has NEVER invited me to any of her gigs). Mind you, she calls me her employee because I contribute weekly to her natural hair care blog. Anyways, I called Nike Art Gallery to get more information about what I'd seen on Instagram and they said the opening event was from 4pm to 7pm. I quickly got energized and
Nike Art Gallery is WONDERFUL! I wish I could go and spend 2 or 3 hours there, soaking up all the wonderful pieces. I wish I had money to even buy some of them. But this chick is not ready to part with hundreds of thousands of naira - it's not that serious right now. In fact, if the piece is more than N5000, sorry but no thanks. The featured artist, Ndidi, as it turned out, went to the same university as Cakes! And her artwork is really nice. As in, millions of naira nice! Lola ended up coming to meet us there and while she isn't into visual art (which I found strange cos she seems like the artistic type), she had a blast gisting with Cakes. Funny, she thought he'd be a serious, quiet, reserved person. I have no idea where she got that from. She was pleasantly surprised. Also, she got to see firsthand how Tom & Jerry our love is :p
Anyways, I've written enough, so enjoy ze pictures we managed to get and check out my hurrs from Sunday (remember I'm doing the #31DaysofKinkz hair challenge on Instagram - see public Facebook album link here)
Have you checked your Bride Price?
Lol, I thought to just share this hilarity that is Bride Price.com. If you don't know, a bride price is what your intending husband and his family are supposed to "pay" your father before you get married. The bride price amount is set by cultural traditions, but these days, it depends on the bride's parents and extended family. Some people ask for fabric, goats, etc (like for my wedding), and others ask for cars, power generators and what-have-you (thieves, I call them).
Anyways, some funny people decided to create a website to calculate your bride price, and my result was
Anyways, some funny people decided to create a website to calculate your bride price, and my result was
May 22, 2014
RANDOM ALERT: Did you know I have a famous cousin?
Yup yup! I have a famous cousin. In fact, my cousin is more famous than YOUR cousin.
I know you're really burning inside to figure out who this my famous cousin is.
In fact, I'm 1 gaprillion percent sure you're already jealous of me.
Don't be sad, okay. The sun will still come out tomorrow a la Annie.
Anyways, prepare to be amazed by the revelation of the famous cousin of mine...
*drum roll*
I know you're really burning inside to figure out who this my famous cousin is.
In fact, I'm 1 gaprillion percent sure you're already jealous of me.
Don't be sad, okay. The sun will still come out tomorrow a la Annie.
Anyways, prepare to be amazed by the revelation of the famous cousin of mine...
*drum roll*
May 21, 2014
My weekend...
Hey everyone,
How are ya? How was your weekend? Did you do anything fun? I did and below is my round up of activities :D
On Thursday afternoon, I got a call from Dabs (Naija Hair Can Grow) about a party she was having in her salon, Savvy Chic Hair and Beauty Hub. This year she started a hair magazine and she was celebrating the second edition with a Clueless-themed party. Unfortunately, I was clueless about the Clueless theme so I didn't dress up in that manner. I stayed for a little bit, and was joined by Stylefash (FINALLY!!! Did you know the last time I saw her or Bex was in January?!?!?).
After I left the salon, I went to meet Cakes up in Lekki, and we ended up at Cafe Maidon't (it's really Cafe Maison but I had a horrible experience there so...) We didn't eat though and there were enough mosquitoes for Nigeria. But on the plus side, the decor looked nice :)
On Saturday morning, there was a book reading at This Present House, as Pastor Mrs. Rapu recently published a new book. My lovely non-cousin-sister works there and invited me, and I woke up bright and early... then lazed in bed for about an hour until it was late. So I dashed in for a quick hot shower and lo and behold... no water!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ah ah, how far? Being the drama queen that I am, I called Cakes who was in his bakery, to call the building manager and ask what was going on. Apparently the water pump wasn't working and the plumber was on his way. Well, it took the plumber 6+ hours to get there and I ended up just staying home and cleaning.
Off to churches we went! Cakes is one of the leaders at the teenage church, so I followed him there for the first time. Afterwards, we went to The Waterbrook for a little bit. Then we visited my aunt who I lived with during and after NYSC. Next, we went to Terra Kulture to watch a play, Band Aid, which was a light-hearted musical dramedy (and starred my friend and photographer, Demi O). And finally, our last stop of the day was at another aunt and uncle's house. We didn't get home until past 9pm, and needless to say, we were exhausted.
And that, my friends, was my weekend. It feels good to have weekend fun again... it's been quite a while. I'm going to make a better effort to find things to do :)
Follow @BerryChocoLatte
How are ya? How was your weekend? Did you do anything fun? I did and below is my round up of activities :D
On Thursday afternoon, I got a call from Dabs (Naija Hair Can Grow) about a party she was having in her salon, Savvy Chic Hair and Beauty Hub. This year she started a hair magazine and she was celebrating the second edition with a Clueless-themed party. Unfortunately, I was clueless about the Clueless theme so I didn't dress up in that manner. I stayed for a little bit, and was joined by Stylefash (FINALLY!!! Did you know the last time I saw her or Bex was in January?!?!?).
I can't remember her name but she owns Chloe's Makeovers and she got the theme down pat! |
Stylefash in the hizouse!!! |
Anyways, it was a fun evening. But hold on, some of you went to report me to Dabs sha, because of my post on what I define natural hair as. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!!! You guys are just too much! Kisses :-*
After I left the salon, I went to meet Cakes up in Lekki, and we ended up at Cafe Maidon't (it's really Cafe Maison but I had a horrible experience there so...) We didn't eat though and there were enough mosquitoes for Nigeria. But on the plus side, the decor looked nice :)
On Saturday morning, there was a book reading at This Present House, as Pastor Mrs. Rapu recently published a new book. My lovely non-cousin-sister works there and invited me, and I woke up bright and early... then lazed in bed for about an hour until it was late. So I dashed in for a quick hot shower and lo and behold... no water!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ah ah, how far? Being the drama queen that I am, I called Cakes who was in his bakery, to call the building manager and ask what was going on. Apparently the water pump wasn't working and the plumber was on his way. Well, it took the plumber 6+ hours to get there and I ended up just staying home and cleaning.
Off to churches we went! Cakes is one of the leaders at the teenage church, so I followed him there for the first time. Afterwards, we went to The Waterbrook for a little bit. Then we visited my aunt who I lived with during and after NYSC. Next, we went to Terra Kulture to watch a play, Band Aid, which was a light-hearted musical dramedy (and starred my friend and photographer, Demi O). And finally, our last stop of the day was at another aunt and uncle's house. We didn't get home until past 9pm, and needless to say, we were exhausted.
Yup, my shoes are like 6 to 8 inches high |
Erm, sorry it's sideways but this was from the play |
I dunno how to use my camera :( All the pictures from the play were blurry |
nigerian blog awards,
Throwback... old Facebook Note on Men Against Marriage
Hey yo,
I just came across a bunch of notes I wrote on Facebook from 2008 or so. I will share 2 or 3 of them, starting with this one. I was 26 at the time...
In the past month, I have had discussions with three of my guy friends who are averse to marriage. These guys range in age - from lower/mid twenties to upper/mid thirties.
GUY #1
He mentioned how he doesn't see the point of marriage because most married couples end up being unhappy.
*To him, I say, people enter marriage for the wrong reasons. Have you thought about making sure the woman you end up with is someone you're sure you'll be happy with? Have you thought about getting married for what YOU think are the right reasons and making sure the lady-in-question feels the same way? And BTW, there ARE happy marriages out there......don't be so cynical.*
GUY # 2
This one thinks that marriage is just so "official" and has nothing to do with the two partners being in love.
*To him I say, there's nothing in this world that says you must get married for official reasons. If you honestly and truly do not think that the woman you're with is someone you want to be with emotionally, mentally, spiritually, blah-ly, then don't bother. Find somebody you love and truly believe you want to be attached to for the rest of your life and get married.*
GUY #3
The last one asked why couldn't the couple in question just live together and have kids....why get married?
*Umm, if you're going to live together, why not get married? Abi you think a marriage license is just a piece of paper? Enh, go and sign the piece of paper and pretend in your head that you're just in a long-term relationship....shouldn't be that hard. And anyways, why on earth, do you want to be 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 and STILL say "Oh, she's my girlfriend.....?" It makes NO SENSE to me. AND about having kids....you really want people to see the mother of your children as simply a BABY MAMA and not a WIFE? I'm sorry, but I find that somewhat disrespectful (no offense to baby mamas).*
I met someone a couple of years ago, who was about to get married, and he told me that in truth, a man NEVER wants to get married. He only does it because he thinks the lady is pressuring him into it, or because that's the natural next step and everyone else expects it. I have to say I felt instantly bad for his fiancee when I heard his logic.
WHY? GUYS, I DON'T GET WHY YOU THINK MARRIAGE IS SUCH A BAD IDEA. PLEASE ENLIGHTEN ME. And I say this to guys, cos none of my female friends have said any of the above to me yet.....so maybe it's just a guy thing.
Follow @BerryChocoLatte
I just came across a bunch of notes I wrote on Facebook from 2008 or so. I will share 2 or 3 of them, starting with this one. I was 26 at the time...
In the past month, I have had discussions with three of my guy friends who are averse to marriage. These guys range in age - from lower/mid twenties to upper/mid thirties.
GUY #1
He mentioned how he doesn't see the point of marriage because most married couples end up being unhappy.
*To him, I say, people enter marriage for the wrong reasons. Have you thought about making sure the woman you end up with is someone you're sure you'll be happy with? Have you thought about getting married for what YOU think are the right reasons and making sure the lady-in-question feels the same way? And BTW, there ARE happy marriages out there......don't be so cynical.*
GUY # 2
This one thinks that marriage is just so "official" and has nothing to do with the two partners being in love.
*To him I say, there's nothing in this world that says you must get married for official reasons. If you honestly and truly do not think that the woman you're with is someone you want to be with emotionally, mentally, spiritually, blah-ly, then don't bother. Find somebody you love and truly believe you want to be attached to for the rest of your life and get married.*
GUY #3
The last one asked why couldn't the couple in question just live together and have kids....why get married?
*Umm, if you're going to live together, why not get married? Abi you think a marriage license is just a piece of paper? Enh, go and sign the piece of paper and pretend in your head that you're just in a long-term relationship....shouldn't be that hard. And anyways, why on earth, do you want to be 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 and STILL say "Oh, she's my girlfriend.....?" It makes NO SENSE to me. AND about having kids....you really want people to see the mother of your children as simply a BABY MAMA and not a WIFE? I'm sorry, but I find that somewhat disrespectful (no offense to baby mamas).*
I met someone a couple of years ago, who was about to get married, and he told me that in truth, a man NEVER wants to get married. He only does it because he thinks the lady is pressuring him into it, or because that's the natural next step and everyone else expects it. I have to say I felt instantly bad for his fiancee when I heard his logic.
WHY? GUYS, I DON'T GET WHY YOU THINK MARRIAGE IS SUCH A BAD IDEA. PLEASE ENLIGHTEN ME. And I say this to guys, cos none of my female friends have said any of the above to me yet.....so maybe it's just a guy thing.
dating and relationships,
May 14, 2014
So my birthday is coming soon...
My birthday is in 2 weeks...
Since you didn't buy me a present last year, I know you want the opportunity to do something this year...
What awesome thing are you going to do, you ask?
Well, even though I have recently gained weight (Instagram followers, still SHHH), I want cake for my birthday...
And where do I want the cake from? Are you seriously asking me that question?... *the answer rhymes with 'bakes' and starts with a 'C'
Since you know where to order the cake from (Cakes: 2348033118995, 7BFA5705), all I ask is this...
WACKY, CRAZY, OUT-OF-THE-BOX, RANDOM cakes and/or cupcakes...
Need a little help with ideas? BLUE SUEDE cake, PURPLE COCONUT cupcakes, GREEN BANANA bread (not unripe banana bread - banana bread that is green), etc. I bet you guys are happy I'm not the one running the bakery :p
I know you're worried about my weight, but it's okay. Cakes will help me work it all off *hides innocent face*
P.S. You can also order cakes for other reasons too :) Follow him on Instagram @cakesiena
Follow @BerryChocoLatte
Since you didn't buy me a present last year, I know you want the opportunity to do something this year...
What awesome thing are you going to do, you ask?
Well, even though I have recently gained weight (Instagram followers, still SHHH), I want cake for my birthday...
And where do I want the cake from? Are you seriously asking me that question?... *the answer rhymes with 'bakes' and starts with a 'C'
Since you know where to order the cake from (Cakes: 2348033118995, 7BFA5705), all I ask is this...
WACKY, CRAZY, OUT-OF-THE-BOX, RANDOM cakes and/or cupcakes...
Need a little help with ideas? BLUE SUEDE cake, PURPLE COCONUT cupcakes, GREEN BANANA bread (not unripe banana bread - banana bread that is green), etc. I bet you guys are happy I'm not the one running the bakery :p
I know you're worried about my weight, but it's okay. Cakes will help me work it all off *hides innocent face*
P.S. You can also order cakes for other reasons too :) Follow him on Instagram @cakesiena
cake factory,
May 12, 2014
The Elephant in the Bloom (Blog + Room = Bloom)
Okay guys,
It's time for some truth telling. I've been avoiding it but let's face it. Some of you have noticed and asked questions. Some people have even called me to ask. I've gotten comments on Facebook, Instagram, at work. It's actually almost borderline embarrassing, and I've thought about lying just to cover it up and stop the comments and questions. But it's not a good idea to lie about something like this, so I'm just going to be straight with you. You guys know I like to be honest, right? Okay, here goes...
*heaves sigh of relief*
I know you've wondered about it. Apart from the Newlywed Weight Gain, it just seemed like the weight was piling on, right? And you wondered if I was going to announce the impending arrivals of grapes and/or cupcakes, right? Well, not just yet. It's just good old-fashioned fat. (If anyone from TW Fitness Challenge is reading this, please rewind time and skip this post)
Of course the easiest person to blame is Cakes. I mean, he bakes, so duh! And then he cooks better than me, so more duh! And then he likes to fry everything, including water, so most duh! Plus if you could just melt sugar, he would drink it all day, everyday. And guess what? He stepped on the scale 2 weeks ago and has gained just 1kg. I, on the other hand, saw a new number for the first time in God knows how long.
Anyways, the first step to overcoming a problem is to admit you have a problem. So dear friends, here is my picture to show that I'm admitting to unnecessary weight gain. :(
Thank you for your unwavering support, my friends. I know you will be truthful and tell me if I look preggers.
Have a blessed week.
It's time for some truth telling. I've been avoiding it but let's face it. Some of you have noticed and asked questions. Some people have even called me to ask. I've gotten comments on Facebook, Instagram, at work. It's actually almost borderline embarrassing, and I've thought about lying just to cover it up and stop the comments and questions. But it's not a good idea to lie about something like this, so I'm just going to be straight with you. You guys know I like to be honest, right? Okay, here goes...
*heaves sigh of relief*
I know you've wondered about it. Apart from the Newlywed Weight Gain, it just seemed like the weight was piling on, right? And you wondered if I was going to announce the impending arrivals of grapes and/or cupcakes, right? Well, not just yet. It's just good old-fashioned fat. (If anyone from TW Fitness Challenge is reading this, please rewind time and skip this post)
Of course the easiest person to blame is Cakes. I mean, he bakes, so duh! And then he cooks better than me, so more duh! And then he likes to fry everything, including water, so most duh! Plus if you could just melt sugar, he would drink it all day, everyday. And guess what? He stepped on the scale 2 weeks ago and has gained just 1kg. I, on the other hand, saw a new number for the first time in God knows how long.
Anyways, the first step to overcoming a problem is to admit you have a problem. So dear friends, here is my picture to show that I'm admitting to unnecessary weight gain. :(
![]() |
Don't say anything if you saw the original picture on Instagram |
Have a blessed week.
berry and cakes,
May 9, 2014
What I'm Watching - Kids React
Please forgive me for not putting up a post recently. This week has been really somber, and I wish I could share why with you, but out of respect I can't. I had posts lined up, but given the atmosphere surrounding my family, the laughter in the posts didn't seem appropriate.
I'm still not quite ready to be happy-go-lucky but over the week, I've desperately needed cheering up and I found a series of videos (Kids React...) that were able to do the trick, even if it was just for a few minutes. So I'll share them with you - for anyone who's hurting or having a tough day/week/year, I hope this makes you laugh and smile :)
KIDS REACT TO "HAPPY" which you already know is my sickness-inducing favorite song/video in the world. (My heart just started beating faster again!!! No joke)
Have a good weekend and keep me, Cakes and our families in your prayers.
Follow @BerryChocoLatte
I'm still not quite ready to be happy-go-lucky but over the week, I've desperately needed cheering up and I found a series of videos (Kids React...) that were able to do the trick, even if it was just for a few minutes. So I'll share them with you - for anyone who's hurting or having a tough day/week/year, I hope this makes you laugh and smile :)
KIDS REACT TO "HAPPY" which you already know is my sickness-inducing favorite song/video in the world. (My heart just started beating faster again!!! No joke)
Have a good weekend and keep me, Cakes and our families in your prayers.
what i'm watching
May 4, 2014
Berry and Cakes' Car Conversations
So you enjoyed my depiction of our Kitchen Conversations, right? Here are our Car Conversations.
We both get into the car to head wherever...
Berry: Won't you put on your seat belt?
Cakes: Yeah, when we get to the main road.
Berry: No, you should put it on now just in case.
Cakes: I've never had an accident in my 15 years of driving!
Berry: So what, you should put it on anyways. Isn't that beeping annoying?
Cakes: *does nothing*
Berry: The beeping is giving me a migraine.
Cakes: *puts on seat belt*
Halfway to where we're going...
Cakes: *pulls out phone*
Berry: You shouldn't be texting and driving.
Cakes: I just remembered something.
Berry: Fine, give me the phone to text for you.
Cakes: I just want to make a phone call.
Berry: Hmm, use the auxiliary cable.
Cakes: *holding the phone to his ear* Hello? Have you made the fondant for the cake?
Berry: If Lastma comes to arrest you, I will just carry the car and go where I'm going.
Cakes: *still holding phone to his ear* Remember it's royal blue not sky blue fondant.
Berry: Get off the phone!!!
Cakes: I've never had an accident in my 15 years of driving!
Berry: Who cares?! I haven't had an accident either!
On the way back home...
Cakes: Whoa whoa whoa!
Berry: What? What happened?
Cakes: Shoot, did you see that car?
Berry: What car?
Cakes: Look at it. Babe, I'm going to speed up. Help me take a picture.
Berry: *rolls eyes* Geez. *takes picture* What kinda car is that anyway?
Cakes: It's the newest Bentley blah blah blah... only 28 exist in the world.... this this this that that that.
Berry: They didn't write Bentley on the back of the car, so how am I supposed to know what it is?
Cakes: I hope you know we'll have His and Hers Bentleys in the future.
Berry: I don't want one. I like my car. Or a Mini Cooper. Or a Vespa.
Cakes: Vespa where? In Lagos? This my wife!
Halfway home, there's a little traffic...
Cakes: *pulls out phone*
Berry: You shouldn't use your phone and drive.
Cakes: This is business, I have to respond to my client.
Berry: Okay o, be responding. If anything happens to me, my father will be on your case.
Cakes: I've never had an accident in my 15 years of driving!
Berry: Do you know that I am the first child??? First daughter??? Ada??? First grandchild on BOTH sides of the family? Do you know who my grandfather is? Do you know that I'm royalty? I'm from Ogoni Kingdom!
Cakes: You sef, you even use your phone while you're driving.
Berry: Nuh uh, I use the auxiliary cable!
Cakes: So you're trying to say you've never ever texted while driving?
Berry: That's not the point!
On a weekday on my way home from work - there's traffic...
Berry: *pulls out phone* Ah ha, level 287 of Candy Crush..... SUGAR CRUSH!!!
Have a nice week! :)
Follow @BerryChocoLatte
We both get into the car to head wherever...
Berry: Won't you put on your seat belt?
Cakes: Yeah, when we get to the main road.
Berry: No, you should put it on now just in case.
Cakes: I've never had an accident in my 15 years of driving!
Berry: So what, you should put it on anyways. Isn't that beeping annoying?
Cakes: *does nothing*
Berry: The beeping is giving me a migraine.
Cakes: *puts on seat belt*
Halfway to where we're going...
Cakes: *pulls out phone*
Berry: You shouldn't be texting and driving.
Cakes: I just remembered something.
Berry: Fine, give me the phone to text for you.
Cakes: I just want to make a phone call.
Berry: Hmm, use the auxiliary cable.
Cakes: *holding the phone to his ear* Hello? Have you made the fondant for the cake?
Berry: If Lastma comes to arrest you, I will just carry the car and go where I'm going.
Cakes: *still holding phone to his ear* Remember it's royal blue not sky blue fondant.
Berry: Get off the phone!!!
Cakes: I've never had an accident in my 15 years of driving!
Berry: Who cares?! I haven't had an accident either!
On the way back home...
Cakes: Whoa whoa whoa!
Berry: What? What happened?
Cakes: Shoot, did you see that car?
Berry: What car?
Cakes: Look at it. Babe, I'm going to speed up. Help me take a picture.
Berry: *rolls eyes* Geez. *takes picture* What kinda car is that anyway?
Cakes: It's the newest Bentley blah blah blah... only 28 exist in the world.... this this this that that that.
Berry: They didn't write Bentley on the back of the car, so how am I supposed to know what it is?
Cakes: I hope you know we'll have His and Hers Bentleys in the future.
Berry: I don't want one. I like my car. Or a Mini Cooper. Or a Vespa.
Cakes: Vespa where? In Lagos? This my wife!
Halfway home, there's a little traffic...
Cakes: *pulls out phone*
Berry: You shouldn't use your phone and drive.
Cakes: This is business, I have to respond to my client.
Berry: Okay o, be responding. If anything happens to me, my father will be on your case.
Cakes: I've never had an accident in my 15 years of driving!
Berry: Do you know that I am the first child??? First daughter??? Ada??? First grandchild on BOTH sides of the family? Do you know who my grandfather is? Do you know that I'm royalty? I'm from Ogoni Kingdom!
Cakes: You sef, you even use your phone while you're driving.
Berry: Nuh uh, I use the auxiliary cable!
Cakes: So you're trying to say you've never ever texted while driving?
Berry: That's not the point!
On a weekday on my way home from work - there's traffic...
Berry: *pulls out phone* Ah ha, level 287 of Candy Crush..... SUGAR CRUSH!!!
Have a nice week! :)
berry and cakes,
dating and relationships,
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