Hi there! Wanna read a lifestyle blog that people call INTERESTING, REAL and FUN?! Then you're in the right place :) 





My name is Berry Dakara, welcome to my blog. Yes, I randomly break out into different languages, which is weird because I know only 4 to 5 words in any of these languages. I consider myself to be a citizen of the world, and you can see that from my many Travel posts!

I started blogging in 2012 at the Aje-butter's Guide to NYSC Blog. After my year of NYSC service - a one year program to be completed by Nigerian university graduates,  I started this blog as I'd fallen in love with blogging. I wanted to share my thoughts, goals, hopes, dreams, wishes... basically my world, with anyone who found me interesting enough.

I have the most beautiful, vivacious daughter whose journey I started documenting here.

I have natural hair, and was once a contributor to a hair blog. I'm a Lifestyle Blogger and to me, it encompasses everything about MY lifestyle. You'll get personal stories, my thoughts on different topics about LifeMotherhood, Travel, Faith, Hair and so much more!

Thanks for visiting and I hope you enjoy your read.

Make sure to follow me on YoutubeBloglovin', InstagramFacebook, Twitter. You can also subscribe to posts so that you never miss one.

Hugs, kisses, two fingers and love,

P.S. I've been featured on several platforms and written guest posts as well - be sure to check them out here.