January 29, 2016

Berry Lovely Links

Hey guys,

I hope you've had a better week than I have. But what I have to remember is that no matter what I'm going through, because God is right beside me, I will not be shaken (Psalm 16:8 is what I've been meditating on the past 2 days). Anyways, yay to links! I think they should be light ones, nothing too heavy this week.

  1. Ever heard of a cucamelon? Check out the Most Pampered Vegetables in America
  2. Ladies, this is the year to do big things if you haven't already started. Meet these Female Car Designers for inspiration.
  3. Last weekend, the Eastern part of the US was hit with a record blizzard. Instead of staying home though, a Nigerian photographer had his Clients Take Blizzard Pre-Wedding Photos.
  4. While we're all dieting as part of our resolutions, let's resolve to do any of these 57 Small (Food) Things to Do This Year.
  5. Learning to speak positively into your life is something we should all try to do. Read Six Things to Say on Purpose.
  6. Want to build a house but there's a giant tree in the middle of the land? Do like these People Who Respected Nature. People can be creative sha.
P.S. I've been getting positive messages (online and offline) about my vlog from yesterday. Do watch, like, share and subscribe to my Youtube channel.


  1. Awww, love the links you linked! Cucamelon sounds like such a strange vegetable. I'd love to check it out <3

    xx Bash | H E Y   B A S H | bloglovin'

    1. It does sound strange but oddly attractive doesn't it!?

  2. Hi Berry,

    I hope your weekend went well.

    Indeed, God is glued to your side. It's nice to be reassured of his unfailing love. :-)

    Thank you for sharing these links, I am off to read.

    Have a great week!

    1. Hey Nedoux. My weekend was good - heard the best DJ ever at a wedding!

      I hope you enjoy the links, and that you have an awesome week.

    2. Yeap!! The DJ was off this planet.....saw you in your element, rocker!!! It was truly nice meeting you.


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