I think that a lot of Nigerian women are forced by society to suffer in silence. Some are made to feel ashamed and are put down because they've been unable to have children. I shared some of the things that have been said to my face by strangers, friends, and even family members concerning this situation. I wanted to share my story for all the women who can't share theirs, feel like they're alone in their circumstances, and encourage them to stay strong.
I also have to note that I'm fine o. I'm still my jolly self and living my life. Thanks for watching, your support and prayers.
Love ya!!!
P.S. If you know anyone who you think can benefit from the video, feel free to share. I'm giving everyone permission to forward the video, share online, even at events if need be (please let me know if you do).
I have been reading your blog for more than a year now but this is the first time I will comment. My prayers are with you because I cannot boldly say that I know what you are going through. Try to block out all the comments and focus on God alone, He is the giver of everything good and perfect. Find bible verses that talk about conceiving and confess daily.
ReplyDeleteMuch love and blessings...
Thank you very very much. I did follow a Bible plan towards the end of last year into this year that gave me lots of verses to stand and pray on. I don't really let the comments bug me - but yeah, people can be insensitive and I wanted to highlight that it's not okay.
DeleteI'm praying for you and other women in similar situations. God bless you.
ReplyDeleteThanks Eloho. God bless
DeleteAwwwww... I am not married so I can't say I understand but I do have feelings.. I am just speechless berry. Just Speechless... I will still make a proper comment when I have gotten hold of my emotions. I love you so much, I have been stalking your blog from time and you all I cant say is you are a very strong woman...
ReplyDeleteFirst time commenting...
Awwww, I hope you're not sad o cos I'm not sad at all. I just have my moments and sometimes my emotions get the better of me.
DeleteThank you very much for reading and commenting.
Hey Berry, God has your back! May his peace fill you in so much measure that you have enough to give to others. Every good gift comes from Him and He will grant you the desires of your heart.
ReplyDeleteAMEN!!!! Thank you Tomi. God bless!
DeleteOh Berry, Berry, Berry...you tried it. You tried to make me cry, but I refused. Firstly, because I currently have a "thing" with God where I'm not going to cry over painful/sad/negative situations (because of my own personal "struggles"). And secondly because I'm at work and it would be quite awkward to explain why I'm watching videos at work...lol. So I chose to laugh at some of the "advice" you got and blinked real fast when the tears threatened.
ReplyDeleteI can't begin to imagine what you're going through, so I can't say I understand. I DO NOT UNDERSTAND. What I do know though is that you are doing your best; let that give you some peace. You are not God, you can't work miracles. What you can do, you have done, are doing and will do, and God will do His bit. Oh yes, you're in my prayers now:for your child(ren) and for God's peace through the process. It's a process and you will come through the best way God intended. He doesn't make mistakes; you are as perfect a product (vessel) as He intends. God keeps moulding and redesigning His "clay" as He goes, until He is done and you are a finished product. You are not a finished product yet, so relax .
Yes, keep at your fitness please, you need to be healthy to have those babies. The dance classes are good :)
All my love to you and Cakes...xoxo
(Sorry for the long comment...you had me on a roll)
DeleteThank you so much Zizzy. I'm keeping my hopes up and praying, and not putting God on MY schedule. I'll just be patient and keep living my life and dancing and twirling!
Thanks again.
Not sure I've dropped a comment before but I just had to after this. First of all, I truly admire you for putting your heart out there. It takes a lot of guts to tell sure a personal story.
ReplyDeleteSecondly, like you said, I can't imagine what you're going through but I know you and cakes are going to be just fine. You're going to look back at this video and smile. Your testimony is just around the corner. God is with you and He won't let you down. Just keep doing you - all smiley and bubbly (I honestly didn't realise you were in your 30s! Thought you were younger! Cheers to being forever young!)
God bless you x
Hello Tola. Thank you very much for your comment... and for thinking I was younger. Don't worry, in my head I'm younger too :p
DeleteGod bless.
You are really brave for sharing. I'm glad you know God loves you and he will surely grant your prayers. I pray God grants you peace and continuous strength.
Amen and amen! Thank you dear.
DeleteHi Berry, Wipe your tears dear, i'm sure God is aware of your pain. It took me about a year to get pregnant after my wedding, I cried a lot and prayed a lot, He eventually came thru for me. I pray God gives you peace and grant your request, let your home be filled with the laughter of your children in Jesus name. Amen.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much dear. I hope other women who see this and are going through the same thing will be touched by all the positive words and advice.
DeleteThought this would be flooded by comments. I'm still processing this though and I suspect all your readers are as well.
ReplyDeleteMy dear, I was taking my time and reading in my email first.
DeleteIt would happen when it would happen! Speaking God's peace to you at this moment. Much love *hugs*
ReplyDeleteAmen, and thank you. I actually feel more peaceful about it since I posted the video.
DeleteDear Berry, God hears your cries and sees your tears on this matter that is so dear and close to your heart. Please keep faith and hope alive even when there seems to be no change and claim the promises of Psalms 128 for you and your husband
ReplyDelete1 Happy are those who respect the Lord and obey him.
2 You will enjoy what you work for.
You will be blessed with good things.
3 Your wife will give you many children.
She will be like a vine that produces a lot of fruit.
Your children will bring you much good.
They will be like olive branches that produce many olives.
4 This is how the man who respects the Lord
will be blessed.
5 May the Lord bless you from Mount Zion.
May you enjoy the good things of Jerusalem all your life.
6 May you see your grandchildren
Thank you very much for this passage. It really speaks to me, and I'll add it to my favorites. Thanks!
DeleteGod bless you Berry.You will surely smile at the end. Big hug.
ReplyDeleteHugs to you too! Thanks :)
DeleteTears were shed, the video honestly made me so emotional. Berry you are very strong for sharing your thoughts and speaking about something where most people would rather keep quiet. The Lord gives beauty for ashes, he knows things that we do not know in his infinite wisdom and he will he will bless you and Cakes beyond your imaginations. I will put you in my prayers dear.
ReplyDeleteThank you very very much dear. Your prayers and support from way before now are really appreciated.
DeleteOh darling! We are praying with you. We are. These tears that you shed will be turned into rejoicing. He makes all things beautiful in HIS time, you know that right? :*
ReplyDeleteI do and I'll be more patient. Thanks Marilyn!
DeleteGod knows all...berry rejoice, again i say rejoice
ReplyDeleteWILL DO!!! THANKS!
DeleteMy thoughts and prayers are with you berry, it is well
ReplyDeleteThank you Ezi. :)
DeleteI can see everything turning around for your favour. There is a season for everything, every expectations and needs. Berry i only read your blog but never Comment,this Discussion wouldn't Just let me passby again.
ReplyDeleteAmen. I can't wait to show off my babies!!!
DeleteThis hits home for a few reasons.
ReplyDeleteFirst, thank you for sharing. It gladdens my heart when Nigerian women share some of the things we go through. There are so many hurts of varying degrees that we experience but as Nigerians, we don't speak. Sometimes it's because we don't want to be judged, sometimes it's because our society generally is not a safe place to share because they don't understand, or because we are hard on ourselves. When I say this I am talking about various issues - depression, child-bearing, abuse, etc. So again, thank you for being open and sharing your story. And also to your husband for coming along side you because someone else might not be as comfortable with the struggle being shared. That too is an example.
I actually know a number of friends who are going through this. And their ages range from like 25 upwards. I say that so people know that it is not always an age thing. There are younger couples who also struggle with conception. Yes, it's more difficult as you get older but there are so many factors affecting conception.
As I spoke with more and more friends I realised that wait, I know they want kids but they don't have any yet. Sometimes it's not being able to conceive, sometimes it's not going full-term. And the heartache is SO REAL. The crazy thing is that as you hear more of these experiences, you begin to wonder why people aren't more understanding??? I've realised that some of the aunties that say "start trying right away", say it because they too had trouble conceiving.
A blog I found useful was "Nicole the fertile Chick" when she posted on BN, because I learned a lot, and so did others, about what people go through. At that point I was single but I was still sensitive to the topic.
A lot of the advise you go, spiritual and otherwise, is similar to what I and others have heard as single women. people come to you and talk as if you are not aware that you are single, or you are not aware that you want to be a parent. People, YOUR TONE MATTERS. YOUR WORDS MATTER. Sometimes, asking gently instead of flinging words at someone makes a world of difference. Women in this situation already have their own voices to deal with - wondering why, when, did I do something, etc... They don't need more - they need prayer and support.
I'm married and looking forward to being a parent. And I have to be honest, sometimes I am worried. What if it doesn't happen right away? What if it's my fault? Will my husband be disappointed with me? (He's not that type of person but this is how my mind goes sometimes), and on and on. It's been literally a few months and people are already wanting to lay hands on my tummy "jokingly" because they expect a quick turnaround. It's stressful.
Berry I can't claim to know how you feel because I am not in your shoes. But I truly empathise with you because I have felt some of those feelings to a degree and even that little bit was not easy. Plus supporting friends through this really opened my eyes. At the end of the day, God makes everything beautiful in His time. I pray that he will make things so beautiful for you and Cakes many times over in Jesus' name.
Ps. Sorry for the epistle. This just really hit a nerve with me
I love everything about your response!!! I have to come back and give a proper reply
DeletePraying with you Berry. May God answer your prayers.
ReplyDeleteThanks SFX!
DeleteBerry,you are a fruitful vine within your husband's house,your children are like olive shoots around your table (Ps128:3). Great is the peace of your children for they are taught of the lord. None shall be barren in the land. Get scriptures on fruitfulness and confess them over your life as often as you can. My prayers are with you hon.
ReplyDeleteThanks very much Alice for your prayers and the encouragement.
DeleteHi Berry, God will grant you peace. And he'll answer your prayers in due time Amen. This video is going to be so helpful to people in this situation. We need to try hard to tune out 'societies opinion' in this country. It's too much!! Everybody always has something to say solicited or not. Pray with or stay out of it. Simple.
ReplyDeleteIn times when you're feeling down, please try and count your blessings. It'll make you feel a lot better. God bless you and cakes.
Honestly. Societal opinion can be so loud and often damaging to one's self esteem. Thankfully I don't even allow it to bug me.
DeleteI'll definitely be counting my blessings
I salute your courage in doing this. I pray God gives you strength and Peace. This challenge/Struggle shall pass and you'll come out stronger. God is working on your matter. Have no fear. Stay happy. stay Positive. You shall carry your babies and we will all rejoice with you Amen. Peace and Love to you and hubby
ReplyDeleteAmen and thank you very much Frances.
DeleteNaah... some people are so insensitive. Berry, my heart goes out to you. I pray for you and God will come through for you in His own time. I know hearing "in His own time" can be hard but keep hope alive. I pray God will wipe your tears and heal your pain and He gives you the strength to push through this trying time.
Funny enough, NOW, hearing "in His own time" is what's keeping me buoyant. I'm waiting for His perfect time and it'll be smashing!
DeleteOh my dear Berry, I am moved beyond words, this video broke my heart. I sincerely appreciate your openness, this couldn't have been easy. You are so brave.
ReplyDeletePlease wipe your tears, I know it in my heart that your children are coming, you will carry them and bear them.
I will join you in praying for God's peace over your heart, I know it's not easy to stay constantly upbeat and happy when sitting in God's waiting room, but please I beg you to try, I am so confident that you will get through this victoriously.
God will never forget you and Cakes.
Warm regards.
Thank you so much sweet Nedoux. Amen to your prayers for us! Love ya!
DeleteGosh I hate long youtube videos because of the data they chop, but I just had to watch this one. I'm very pissed at the fact that people approach you with such kinds of advice. In this day and age? Let them not even near me oooo
ReplyDeleteBUAHAHAHAHAHA! Sorry o. I didn't even know how long I was speaking for while recording. Don't worry, I won't bring the funny talkers near you before you karate chop somebody :p
DeleteBerry please wipe your tears. Joy cometh in the morning. Let me give you my testimony - I was diagnosed with early ovarian failure at 21...it means no eggs left in the ovaries. I dated people, almost got married 2x to get dumped by men who told me they didn't want damaged goods. My dear I was almost suicidal...I met my husband in 2012 and told him the gospel truth...after 4 months this man married me. And told me he didnt care if we had kids or not. We waited 6 months to try - he investigated egg donors - my husband found a clinic in Europe and paid and deposited his semen sample, picked a donor for us and told me because I said I wanted a child.
ReplyDeleteBefore he told me he would pray for us etc. I had twin boys from the procedure..my husband also let me know the issue was not to be discussed with any family members. Of course my family put two and two together as my mother seems to blame herself - but we are born with a finite number of eggs.
Many pastors told me to bring prayer money, deliverance nko? How many times did I think God didn't love me?
For IUI to be a possibility, your case will be triumphant my dear. This is from someone who has been called barren, damaged goods and many other things. Your video broke my heart and I want you to know that God sees all our hearts and in his time he makes all things beautiful.
He made you and he didn't make any mistakes - this part of your journey will seem so distant when you hold your babies. My husband joined fertility friends UK website and that's how he coordinated treatment from Nigeria.
God bless you as you keep your faith in him!And he will give you peace.
Can I just thank God for your husband?!?!?!? Now that's a real man and a gift from God and I'm sure you more than value him. I'm thankful for Cakes too cos he's been holding down the fort for us faith-wise and staying positive.
DeleteThanks for sharing your story with me and others who will read it. It's a blessing.
iv been in your shoes
ReplyDeletenow i have two children under two...
it will happen for you IJN
its a hard journey because the world is waiting with you. no privacy on this matter
Thanks Doll! A! Yay to your babies!
Deletei commented before watching..this was heartbreaking..
ReplyDeletebig hugs to you.
I have three lovely daughters. Last week, straight from the labour room, all I heard was "girl again???". Family & friends kept asking why I "refuse to born boy". And the tone is sarcastic or accompanied with a curl of lip.
ReplyDeleteAaaaaargh! That makes me so mad! So what if there isn't a boy? Abeg they will be very alright. Left to my husband we'll have only girls. Gawsh, I don't like antiquated thinking
DeleteMy hubby loves your comment. Then he watched your video and we both played for you guys. God is perfecting a set of special someone(s) with your eyes & cakes full head of hair!
DeleteGod's time is the best Berry, you will have your babies in due time. Meanwhile, God will comfort you in your waiting period #HemakesallthingsbeautifulinHistime
ReplyDeleteI am also here waiting for my Boaz.
Amen to that! I pray your love comes through, like you said, in God's perfect time.
DeleteGetting your period does not mean you are not pregnant, just have faith Berry and DO NOT doubt for a second! You are pregnant Berry!!! Congratulations
ReplyDeleteThanks in advance! Cake for everybody!!!!
DeleteHey Berry. You and Cakes will be in my prayers, dear... for peace and strength to hold on to His promises. Looking forward to the testimony already actually!
ReplyDeleteI have an aunt who waited for so long before she had her kids.. was taunted by relatives for a long time, mostly out of concern for who would take over her husband's estate when he passes on. Today, she's the proud mum of not one, but twin boys who are quite a handful lol. God showing off in a huge way.
And thank you for your courage to share your story. A lot of women are going to find so much comfort from this, and reading through the comments, even years from now. God bless you lady!
Thank you Ify! Hugs to you and amen to all our prayers!
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry for what you're going through, and I am super grateful for the people who have left encouraging comments here for you. I cannot say that I know what you are going through, but what I know for sure is that NOTHING is impossible for God to do. Don't count your days and decide that baby won't/can't happen in 2016. Your ways are not His ways. It's easier said for me, I know, because I'm not in your shoes. I pray that God meets you at the point of your needs.
Amen Vera. Thank you very much!
DeleteI'm so sorry for what you're going through, Berry. I can tell how much you want to have a child, and I know what it's like to desperately want something and feel like it's out of your reach.
ReplyDeleteIt might not happen this year, but I think you should let that go. Just focus on having the healthiest body and mind you can possible to provide a safe and welcoming environment for your child when it does come.
It will come when it's ready. Until then, hugs and love and light. We'll support you, and we're rooting for you and your babies.
Take your mind off it and get on with your life. Your body fights pregnancy tooth and nail if you're in a state of sustained stress.
Sugaaaaaaaaaa! I have let my body go to the dumps - it's so bad enh. But Imma get back on the health train, and definitely reduce any stress in my life. Thanks so much!
DeleteHey Berry, I just want you to know that you are not alone.I got married early last year and started ttc with my husband the same month.In hindsight i probably should have listened to my gut feeling to start trying earlier.The whole year went by...no pregnancy.At this point i had begun to wonder if i would ever have kids.All my tests showed that everything was alright with me.I kept bugging my husband to go get himself checked but he blatantly refused.He just believed we would concieve in God's time.In January we found out we had concieved.Let me tell you something, this news literally saved my life as i was mentally going through the wringer( i haven't been able to get a job or do anything meaningful with my life at my age upon all the book i don read...story for another day).I felt whole again, like i had accomplished something by concieving.But that joy was shortlived.I had a missed miscarriage at 10 weeks.I came out of it feeling empty again but STRONGER., just ready to fight even harder.This is my 2nd cycle since my d&c and i'm in that 2ww limbo phase .I know that God is on his throne and if he did it before, he will surely do it again.Do not relent... God always comes through and at the right time.Temporarily cut off some of them negative nancys cos no time ooo for foolishness.Surround yourself with friends and close family that will support you at this time and just watch a miracle happen in your life.I come to your blog every week but i never leave a comment(runs aways)lol...but this vlog touched my soul.
ReplyDeleteE-hugs and Goodluck!
Thanks a lot. I'm so sorry for the miscarriage. I really don't know why after "suffering" to conceive, women miscarry. It can be really disheartening. But I love your spirit and positivity and I know that you (and I) will have the babies we desire! Thanks for commenting this time :)
DeleteKeep faith, yours will come 😊
DeleteI couldn't see the video o. Removed maybe? Just to encourage you, I'm happy you are still your self,enjoy your husband , enjoy yourselves, cos when these kids come e don be be that lol. My sis in law just had her 2nd baby in two years. First baby was conceived naturally after waiting 4 years and a failed ivf. God will do what He will do when he will do it . So my dear just chill.I myself my first pregnancy was an early miscarriage and the 4 months it took to concieve again was hectic, my husband till today reminds what I used to say. Sex was like work , all about getting pregnant. So my dear I repeat enjoy your husband well well, enjoy the sex. Relax biko. I'm glad you are able to use your blog to unburden sometimes. Sending you hugs and kisses and prayers.
ReplyDeleteThaaanks. We are and shall continue to have fun! Life is too short for non-fun sex, abi?
DeleteI just watched the video and you made me cry. If not for anything at least tonight you reminded me to lift up in prayers everyone I know that is waiting. I love you,stay blessed.
ReplyDeleteThanks Yuju and sawry I made you cry :p
DeleteBerry, wow may I apologize for all those who have made insensitive comments. I will keep you in my prayers and I know and believe God has great things in stock for you. I have followed your blog from the post of your wedding and you have an amazing personality I know you will be an awesome mother please don't lose faith my dia.
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot! I just allow the comments to brush off my shoulders. Only once in a while will I tell them to stop. But people should be more sensitive sha.
DeleteThanks for following since back then!
This is really heartfelt. You are a strong lady Berry, honestly. The things you have disclosed are quiet a lot to take in. I admire your strength. God knows your hearts desire and your breakthrough is coming.x
Thank very much Stephy. God does know and He answers prayers, so I'll be waiting.
DeleteOh Berry! You are brave and appreciated. Very good you shared this.
ReplyDeleteYou will have your children. And it's not me just saying what you want to hear. It is what God has said to you and remember His word will never fail.
"I am the Lord, the God of all flesh nothing is too difficult for me to do."
"...He does not withhold any good thing from those who love Him."
"...there shall be no barren in the land and none of your women will miscarry."
"Be fruitful and multiply!"
"Your wife will be like a fruitful vine around your table.. and you will see your children's children."
And my own favourite - Isaiah 28:23= "WHEN you See the Children that I will give you, then you will acknowledge that I am the Holy God of Israel. You will honour me and stand in awe of me." !!!!!!
Berry God said WHEN and He said Children!!! It is sure, Congratulations!
Oh G, you're wonderful!!! Thank you so much! I need to print this and paste on my bedroom wall.
DeleteI rarely watch long vlogs.. But this got me. Firstly you are a very strong and brave woman. Berry , you will be have your own kids and be a mum. Just keep trusting God and believing that.
ReplyDeletePlenty hugs!!
Lots of hugs to you too! Thanks so much! I'm trusting :)
DeleteI'm in my lab in school with other colleagues. I can't continue to watch this now as I will cry my eyes out; will do when I get home. Praying for you and Cakes, berry. God's got you and He will indeed make everything beautiful in His time.
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot dear! I hope you didn't cry too much. I can't wait to share the good news when the time comes :)
DeleteWow. Just watched this. Berry, we shall celebrate with you and Cakes! Hugs!!!
ReplyDeletePeople will always be nasty. Nasty about being single. Nasty about not being pregnant. Nasty about having just girls. Nasty all the way. Sigh...
Psalm 126 is your lot, darl! Keep the faith pleeeeease. I'd keep praying for you both. Much much love! <3
Thanks a lot Duchess!!! Sometimes people don't know they're being that way - they just feel the need to say things that they don't know is insensitive. Oh well.
DeleteHugs to ya!
Dear Berry,
ReplyDeleteCan I just say, how generous you are, sharing in this way?
Thank you for sharing. God bless you generous heart.
Please keep your chin up, and do your best to not pay rude & insensitive people any mind. It is not easy I imagine, but please try.
I'm unmarried, but I hope to be, soon enough, and I want children of my own.
In this way, I know that we share a beautiful desire, one that God Himself has placed in our hearts; one that He will bring to fruition.
Please try to always remember Ecclesiastes 3: 11 'He makes ALL things beautiful in His time.'
Sending you love, blessings, and very best wishes for beautiful healthy babies. :-)
Thank you very much. For the kind words, the prayers, and sharing that verse. I know God will bring your spouse to you at the right time, and my babies too.
DeleteHugs and kisses!
Oh sweetie! You will have all the babies you desire in Jesus name ! I will praise for you as God inhabits in the Praises of his servants ! You are an amazing young lady ! Keep on smiling Berry ! Your babies are on the way !
ReplyDeleteThank you very much!!! I'm keeping my hopes up and I thank you for your prayers!
DeleteBerry~ I know exactly how you feel as I tried to have Rachel for 4.5 years!
ReplyDeleteI can tell you the whole story sometime.
I am praying for you ♥
Oh wow, really? I didn't know that. Thanks so much for sharing Annette. And thanks for your prayers.
DeleteThis was so heartfelt, Berry: thank you for sharing and I'm truly sorry for what you've been going through. I wish you comfort and peace through the process and I pray that you will see the beautiful answers to your prayers before long. I know this video will resonate with so many people and I pray it touches the hearts of anyone who has found themselves saying things that aren't helpful.
ReplyDeleteAbout 10-11 years ago I entered a phase where I read several TTC blogs regularly. It seems strange for a single woman to be reading such blogs but the reason that I connected so much with these bloggers is the language they were using to share their struggle, especially when they saw others around them having children, echoes the pain I feel about being single long past when I expected. Those blogs really helped me for a time.
Praying for answered prayers for you and Cakes—it seems like you have the right mindset and emotional support so I thank God for that. I pray that you and Cakes can use this situation to grow even closer and communicate more than ever, even when it's hard.
Thanks a lot Jummy. I do see how the waiting period is similar if you're TTC and wanting to get married. It's basically the same kind of hope and prayers, and when it doesn't happen for a while, disappointments. But I know it will happen for you and for me, because God answers prayers, simple and short.
DeleteFunny enough, I haven't tried reading TTC blogs. I feel like it would make me think about it too much.
Dear Berry,
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing, it speaks to me as a single lady still trusting God as i always thought i would be married by now and raising my family.
Your babies are coming. God's word says "He will give you joy as the parents of children, Psalm 113:9" Its your turn, dear.
Thanks a lot Joie. I think that a lot of times, life doesn't go as we originally thought it would. And we have to learn to be patient and just trust that God has us in the palm of His hands.
DeleteThank you for the verse!
God bless you for sharing, HE is listening to your every prayer and will give you children that will ALWAYS delight your heart all your days. Stay strong darling
ReplyDeleteThank you very much for your prayers! Amen!!!!
DeleteI'm still trying to watch, you know how internet connection is here in Lag.
ReplyDeleteFrom the comments, I can deduce you shared a positive story and you are staying strong.
I can assure you that you have nothing to worry about other than the fact that you have God, a caring husband and an appreciative family.
From the time we've spent together, I know you sure know how to rock your freedom. Please keep rocking and keep up your saving culture. When the time is ripe, you'll be the best mom ever. In the meantime, keep being the best aunt ever. This will help prepare you for the daunting tasks ahead.
Expecting number 3 now, not part of the plan but it's God's blessing so what can I do dear. I sure know it is just a matter of time.
Thanks a lot dear! And congratulations on number 3!
DeleteI thank God for Cakes and my family. I know lots of people get a lot of pressure but it hasn't been that way for me (here and there sometimes, but they know the struggle so are praying for us mostly).
Thanks a lot!
Miss Berry - somehow just came upon this. First off, can I just say thanks for sharing!? I think that one of the hardest things about being female in Nigeria is how much people keep to themselves under the veil of "privacy". Of course everyone is allowed to share as much or as little as they want but I think our culture tries to surpress even those that DO want to share. This leads to people not realizing how common some situations are and not expecting it at all. Also you lose out on the useful advice from people who might have gone down the same path earlier.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, all this to say, my heart is with you. In due time and in the meantime keep on as you have and keep living life to the fullest. As they say, time stops for no one, so might as well enjoy what you can. PS i will inbox you on the other topic from the article that actually led me to this
Hi Mimi,
DeleteI agree, everyone is entitled to sharing as much or as little as they want. But like you said, our culture does try to suppress those who share a lot. But the truth is once people start talking, others will realize they are not alone in their circumstances!
Thanks a whole lot!
P.S. I'm not sure I got your email.
Dear Berry,
ReplyDeleteYou are LOVE personified. God is working his miracle in your life and all the lives you have blessed. Many a children will come to be because of your brevity & message. God is using youi seriously.. even you do not realise it.
Love You, truly do.
xo xo
Thank you very very much! You've made me feel very warm inside and I'm very appreciative. I hope that through all this, others are blessed. I definitely don't want it to be about me, but about testimonies for me and others to share.
DeleteHullo Berry,watching this vlog 1 month later because I've been crazily busy.Just watched this vlog after I lost a patient on my call last night(she was a very bad case)I cried(not in front of her relatives though).Then I get home and watch this and the floodgates opened again.I don't understand why some of us are losing or have lost our humanity.Got married in April 2014 and I got pregnant after 4 months.The kind of pressure some kind yeye people almost put me through!Story for another day.Thank God I had a support system,hubby,my family and I have the best mum-in-law.My cousin got married 2 months after me and barely a month later her mother-in-law started harrassing her.It's been 2 yrs + and she had a ruptured ectopic pregnancy early this year and is left with 1 tube.I have close friends TTC too and I just pray for them.Just enjoy ur hubby now because the kids are close by and it gets crazy.E hugs love.I've stalked ur blog for a while but never commented.God will blow ur mind.and did I mention that ur kids will be super cute?U and Cakes are foooiiiiinnnnneeeee.I love u babes.(Sorry abt the epistle biko)
ReplyDeleteAwww, I'm really sorry about your patient. Did you know I wanted to be a doctor when I grew up? Until I realized that I'm a sap and would most likely cry whenever I saw someone sick. So that dream flew very far away. You're definitely one of the stronger people on earth.
DeleteLOL @ pressure after 4 months. I actually got some sha and I would just stare blankly and pretend I didn't understand English :p. I pray your cousin and friends get their babies soon. You seem like a very good friend, so I'm thanking you on their behalf for your prayers.
Oh yes, I know when the babies come, it'll be crazy - just watching my niece and nephew a couple of hours a day shows me!
LOL @ fooooooooooiinnnnnnneeee - more like he is. But I 10000000% agree that the babies will be super cute. They don't have a choice. They have to be blog-ready :p Just kidding... or maybe not :p
Hiya! Just saw this and couldn't watch the whole clip but I understand what you're going through. Had a miscarriage in April cried so much then realised I was preg again in June. What I would say to you is to relax! Stop thinking about it! Meet with your partner during ovulation and carry on as normal! God is too faithful to fail! He will grant you your heart desires! Kisses
ReplyDeleteHello there! Wow, thank God because he turns our tears into dancing! I pray for a safe pregnancy for you - a healthy child and godly family! We're pretty relaxed, and I'm not worrying myself about it. God will bring them when He says the time is right. So, no worries.
Berry, it's Yeni from instagram. See how God has answered this prayer one year after? Jesus is real. So excited cos I know I'd be sharing my own testimony too this time next year. Chatting you up on whatsapp in a bit. My love to Cocoa girl