January 18, 2016

2016 Blog Goals


Last week, I shared my 2015 Goals recap and mentioned that I hadn't quite yet put a finger on what direction I wanted my goals for 2016 to go in. I'm beginning to think I'm using it as an excuse to NOT come up with goals. But I do know that there are some things I want to do better, more of, or differently this year. I'll share them below.

  1. Diversify Posts - I know that I identify my blog as a lifestyle blog, but I think that in the last year it's been more of a personal blog than a lifestyle blog. Is there really a difference? I'm inclined to think so. When I look at international lifestyle blogs, they seem more well-rounded than mine. There are many style posts, or food posts (one's coming tomorrow so stay tuned), beauty posts, inspiration posts, etc. I'm not saying that what I've been doing isn't working (IMHO I think it IS working), but I would like to create more content that doesn't scream ME ME ME! When people ask me what my blog is about, I almost hide in an invisible shell because it feels weird saying, "Just me basically - where I go, events I attend, etc." I'd like more than that. 
  2. Respond to Comments Everyday - I've been quite bad at this in the past few weeks, mostly because my workload at the office has been crazy (as in, crying-at-my-desk crazy). This year, I would like to answer all comments within 24 hours. When I think about blogging, I see it as having a conversation with someone (you). So if you respond to what I said in the first place, it's only courteous to acknowledge it, right?
  3. Visit Blog Links in Comments - I do this sporadically already. I may not comment (please forgive me) but I definitely want to check out who my readers are, especially when they're bloggers. So this is something that I want to be better at. I may not have the time to check them everyday, but I'll make a better effort to visit weekly.
  4. Understand Google Analytics and Learn SEO - I'm not a very technical blogger. I barely know what any of the reports on my Google Analytics dashboard mean. Everyone screams SEO and I know what the acronym stands for. I know the basic idea, but I just don't know how to do it. I'm going to learn and apply it this year.
  5. Hit 1 MILLION views!!! It's going to happen. Definitely. And you can help by sharing my posts, subscribing (see box on the right that says Follow By Email), follow and like my posts on Bloglovin, follow me on Instagram, Facebook, Google Plus and Twitter
  6. Add Vlogs to the mix - I'm already doing that, but I might run out of ideas quickly, so please make suggestions in the comments and I'll be sure to make videos about whatever topic you mention.
These are the Top 6 things I want to do regarding my blog in 2016. 


  1. Top 3 or top 6? Lol :)

    Yay to hitting 1 million! Goodluck with the blog this 2016!

    1. Haha, thanks for noticing the error! Maybe I should add "Proofread before posting" as a goal.

      Thanks! Amen to 1 milly!

  2. yay. so you will respond to this comment :D
    I like your blog the way it is.
    personally i prefer blogs with more text or at least a good mix of text and pics. yours falls into that.
    i think this is my second ever comment so maybe ill try harder too :)

    1. Lol, I generally respond to comments. I'm just trying to make it a daily habit.

      Thanks a lot Marie and I look forward to reading more from you

  3. I really like it when bloggers respond to comments. Not responding to comments is just...bleh. Really cool goals Berry. You can do it!

    1. Yeah, I agree - it can be off-putting when a blogger never responds to comments.

      Thank you ma'am

  4. OK. Don't worry I will remind you in June... Just make sure you follow this through


  5. yay to 1 million views...that was one of my goals on your behalf. we will share share share share share!! lol

  6. This picture of you is so beautiful. You look really happy. Happy New year.

  7. I don't mind reading "just you basically". I like the way you write and I love your blog and Personality. Keep up the good work!


    1. Awww, thanks Ijenna. That makes me feel encouraged.

  8. i like your head shot
    for seo, not sure if seo by yoast works for blogger, but its worth checking out
    here's my link...www.coilsandglory.com

    1. Thank you ma'am. I'll check it out soon, and thanks for the recommendation. Searching is worth a try

  9. Nice goals, we would hold you accountable. one of my goals should be revive my dead blog; www.wordsbykoko.blogspot.com
    I must do so this year

    1. Hehe, hold me accountable well o. I have to keep my word innit?

      That's a good goal to have.

  10. Hi Berry,

    Excellent goals! It's great to make plans and work towards achieving them. I ought to write down my goals too, so I can make comparisons at the year end and see the areas that need improvement.

    Regarding, "responding to comments", this is one great habit that I learned from you. Your posts are very interactive. I've discovered that it's a very effective way of converting readership to virtual friendships. I agree with you, it's only courteous. :-)

    I also want to learn how to apply SEO, I don't fully understand it yet.

    Enjoy the rest of the week.

    1. Hey Nedoux,

      I think things are a little clearer when you can write them down and take a look at them regularly, so make sure to do that with your goals whenever you do write them.

      Thank you very much. I think in the early days I didn't do so well with responding to comments (I checked recently) but at a point, I'm not sure when or why, I started to and I enjoy conversing with my readers.

      We're both on the SEO train!


I'd love to hear from you about this post! Let's all learn and share our worlds.