December 28, 2015

Berry Beautiful Weekend

Hey everyone,

How was Christmas for ya? Who had fun? Did you get or give any exciting presents? Let me know in the comments. This was supposed to be a great weekend for me - the looooong holiday, Christmas, and then our anniversary (thanks for the well wishes by the way). Unfortunately, I started feeling funny on Thursday evening and by Christmas morning, I was officially sick. It's Sunday night now and I'm still pretty low. Cakes wanted to take me out to lunch today but I felt so weak and tired, that I simply said we should buy small chops at church and go home. We can always celebrate another day, aye?

Anyway, the other weekend I had a few events I wanted to hit in one day.
There were actually more events that day, but there was no way I was going to try to attend more than three. Did I tell you my Samsung camera broke? I had to make do with photos from my phone. I did more Snapchatting than anything really.

I got this outfit from BYGE at the Bloggers Brunch

I went to Luxe Beauty Lounge for the relaunching of their beauty products under a new name, Bath Kandy. 

On a different outing there, I bought the Black Pepper and Tumeric soap which is supposed to help clear up my face. I hope I can review it here sometime next month.

This time, I bought the Coffee Scrub because it's supposed to reduce cellulite (I can't believe I really just typed that).

Afterwards, I headed to the Beauty in Lagos Beauty Party at Scratch Nail Studio in VI.

There were a few vendors there, and then some presentations on taking care of your skin and tying gele.

I got a pretty nice pedicure. Are there any salons or spas that offer Foot Massages? As in, just foot massages. Sometimes all I really want is a good foot rub.

There was also a makeover presentation from Zaron, and they gifted us guests with awesome goodies! 

This was the same day as the Eat Drink Lagos festival, but by the time I got there, it was waaaaay too late. It's a good thing I decided to turn around and go home, instead of parking and going in, because most people said the food was pretty much finished a couple of hours before I got there. Maybe next time?

*update* Cakes bought me a fancy camera for Christmas/Anniversary so even better photos are coming your way going forward!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Sorry to hear about your health, get well soon. My Christmas was fun and I got an iPhone 6s, a Gucci guilty perfume and a bag.

  2. Pele Berry. Hope ur feeling better. Was a bit ill too this Christmas so...boring was

    1. Awwww. I know the feeling. I hope you're better now

  3. Awwh i'm sorry but your Christmas looked every festive, It would be nice if we both followed each others blogs. Let me know if you follow mine and I'll return.


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