December 3, 2014

Berry Lovely Links

Oops, I forgot to post Berry's Lovely Links last week.  Sawry about that. As always, these are random links I come across and I think are interesting to share, so enjoy :)

  1. Apparently, you're never supposed to wash jeans! Find out how to care for jeans without washing them.
  2. Check out the Morning Routines of 12 Women Leaders. I guess I have to become a morning person :(
  3. How would you like to become a Bridesmaid for Hire like this lady? 
  4. Have you seen the trailer for the new Cinderella movie?!?!?! It's the KING IN THE NORTH!
  5. Woot woot! My husband is in a new music video!!!! Don't believe me, just watch!
  6. Do you know what the Top 5 Fears about Marriage are?

1 comment:

  1. I am a morning person. I find I am the most productive in the morning. I usually wake up at 4:45am. By 5am, I'm usually in my workout gear or on my computer writing. By 6am, I get ready for work, my son also gets up by 6:30am and so we get him ready and feed him. I'm usually out of the house between 7:15am and 7:30am. I would not be able to exercise or write if I did not wake up early because my evenings are usually booked by spending time with my son, school homework and other activities.


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