LOL. These contacts at some point or another, were names of actual people (mostly guys), but then our friendship or relationship turned sour and instead of deleting the phone numbers completely, their names were changed to stop me from calling or ever answering their calls. 99% of the time, seeing the contacts in this light definitely stopped me from prolonging unnecessary friendships.
Why didn't I just delete the phone numbers, you ask? Well, I used to do this thing where if I was "talking to" anyone, I'd memorize their number and it'd be easy to speak to them. That was until 2007 when I discovered that I couldn't UN-memorize someone's number and found myself calling them when I never should have. It was so bad that after a year of not speaking to said person, I still knew the number by heart. So because of that, I stopped memorizing numbers. This made it hard for me to recognize a number if I'd deleted it. Therefore, the next best option was to change their names to the aforementioned to dissuade me from continuing conversation :D
Luckily for me, after a while, I couldn't even remember who I stored as each of the names, so it was very easy to just ignore calls and stop myself from calling, because I didn't know who was who.
How do you deal when a friendship/relationship goes bust?
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Reminds me of a toxic ex I had to force myself to forget his number (was hell 'cos his number had like 5 zeros).
ReplyDeleteI destroy evidence, rip pictures to pieces, delete text msgs and email. I try to obliterate any evidence the ex ever existed in my life!
DeleteIt would have to have been a horrendous breakup for me to obliterate him from my life completely. Like I might delete phone numbers but keep emails and stay Facebook friends. For me to delete someone from Facebook, that means that the person is dead to me. (well, resurrection happens after enough time has passed sometimes)
Trust me Berry, this particular one deserved it! I think I go to such drastic lengths because of my ability to forgive and forget so it's best I sever all ties to prevent myself from going back! Kai I'm emotional sha
DeleteLOOL! I've got a couple of those on my phone..."Dont Answer"and "Ignore"...thats how i deal with it! lol
DeleteI started doing a similar thing to prevent me from answering numbers I didn't recognize but needed to ignore. Especially people that would switch numbers, keep it all together. Fortunately I haven't had to do it often but there have been one or two where you know there's just no point conversing even though nothing egregious has happened.
ReplyDeleteDude, I remember you chided me for making you memorize a certain number...#jokes
ReplyDeleteYES! You started the whole memorization, you BIG HEAD!!! I hope you remember ALL YOUR EXES phone numbers forever and ever and infinity plus 5 days!
Delete*to everyone else* she's my cousin, I'm allowed
I was just trying to help -__-
DeleteI do that with people that I had no business giving my number to in the first place. Weirdness,Do not answer, Dr. Don't Answer, Never are the names I used. Eventually they I get a clue that I'm not interested.
ReplyDeleteLol. I'm not the only one!!!
DeleteWhen my relationship goes sour,assin really sour,I unfriend "them" from facebook,unfollow "them" from twitter and probably leave "their" numbers for future reasons that would enable me not to be set up!
ReplyDeleteI unfriend them on most social media platform, but for some reason that beats me, I don't usually delete numbers, so u never can tell if ud need them in emergency or they need u.
ReplyDeleteNo. There will be NO emergency, and they shall not be needing me... unless someone's dying and I'm the only one with their blood type.
ReplyDeleteI recently deleted someone from bbm
The times I was tempted to delete numbers, I didn't because they were also the times I realised I knew the numbers by heart anyway, so there was no point.
So I keep numbers, but never call.
Now I'm wondering why I keep the numbers hmmm
Lol, just delete them. They're taking up space :p
ReplyDeleteI like your style jare. Makes sense
ReplyDeleteBahaha! Now this is a method I haven't come across before. I would usually just ignore the calls. If I delete, there's a chance I'll pick up by accident (I'm not good at memorising numbers!)
ReplyDeleteI do not really delete contacts because I feel it is always good to have them (in case they decide to call after a really long time has passed that you do not even remember you can be prepared to pick the phone or not to), once I decide not to call a person again I usually don't.
ReplyDeletei have learnt neva to delet dr numbers so d@ i no wen dy r calling so as to simply ignore. For d not so smart who send texts n mails after...i leave 'em to laff @ sometimes. Bt i never ever delete a number unless im sure d person is extinct(doh not always literally)
ReplyDeleteDELETE DELETE DELETE!! Mine is horrible! I can delete people off for africa. I think its becoming a problem now cos any little misunderstanding, I find myself deleting them off bbm. Its like an urge I can't control and it has ruined lots of my relationships.
LOL! Yeah, that's a lil on the extreme side. Cos you might delete on a whim and want to add them back, and they decline. Just drop your phone and walk away when you're annoyed :) If you're still that mad 24 hours later, then and only then can you consider thinking about deleting.
Deletelol. first i deleted his numbers. but then that was of no use, i could recite his numbers even in my dream. so what did i do? Nothing. Still looking for what to do till now.
ReplyDeleteThat's why you should never memorize anyone's number unless they're married to you
Deletelol. No one really goes out of their way to memorize their numbers na, You just find out that when you call/receive calls from a certain number often, the digits just get stuck.
DeleteI save numbers as DO NOT ANSWER, and write a full description of what the person did in the contact notes.
ReplyDeleteHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I love it!