October 29, 2013

Berry's Shouts Out

Hey friends,

If you've noticed my blog layout, I don't have a Blog Roll. I've seen them on other blogs and actually found nice blogs via Blog Rolls, but didn't want to add one here. So I'm just going to give a massive shout out to some of the blogs I read faithfully and enjoy. I think I'll break them down into categories


  • African Naturalistas - I'm biased cos I contribute on Fridays :p
  • The Kink and I - I like her layout. Some of the posts are too long and detailed for me though
  • My Fro & I - She inspired me to do my 31 Hairstyles in 31 Days challenge
  • Nappily Nigerian - Her name's Hadassah, which is soooo pretty! And her hair is looooooong!


  • Style Fash - One of the Power Puff Girls (Her, Bex and I)!
  • For Style Sake - Sisters who are really stylish
  • Third World Profashional - Everybody knows her, no introduction needed.
  • Dressed - She owns a boutique on the mainland (come to the island please). She has nice dresses.
  • Irony of Ashi - I like her style. She wears a lot of color.
  • Style By Queens - Cute girls with lovely style. One of them got engaged recently


  • Crafty Girl Living - She took a break for a while, but she's back and engaged and doing lots of wedding/pre-wedding crafts!
  • PS I Made This - It's amazing what you can make in a short amount of time with a few things at hand!





  • BexCoox - New blog. I'm waiting for her to invite me BEFORE she starts a post
  • Lohi's Creations - I wish she was my friend in real life and lived next door to me
  • Vegan Nigerian - All her recipes are plant-based, no joke. Even Nigerian food!
  • Cakesiena - Technically it's just posts of cakes that Cakes has made :)


  • I Do Weddings - Event planner, wedding dress designer, etc. And she has an Olivia Pope thing about her. 
  • Aisle Perfect - She's my cousin's friend and started her blog/website when she got engaged.
  • Everything Weddings And More (aka EWAM) - I think she started also when she got engaged...
*secret* I actually wanted to start started a wedding blog after Cakes proposed. But no time, so there are only like 3 posts! Which is sad, cos I wanted to blog about the whole engagement process, and continue afterwards with marriage tales, recipes, date ideas, etc. :(

And now, I've come to the end of my Shouts Out. These aren't all the blogs I read faithfully, but I'll have another Shout Out post when I feel led to, and will include others.

Have a pretty rest of the week!

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  1. Thanks for the shout out blog sis! Remember the 3 course meal we talked about? We'll have soon! Xxx
    http://www.bexcoox .blogspot.com

  2. Awwww Berrryyy!!!
    I came to your blog to get my bubbly dose of Berry Dakara and saw your shoutout!

  3. you have an interesting collection. I use to have blog rolls too, but took them out temporarily. I might do a shout out too once I've reorganized my list.
    Lohi goes to my church, that's how I found out about her blog.

  4. Berry...a million thank yous for this shout out!

  5. You're welcome, you lovely people, you!

    FINALLY! Bex has agreed to cook for me. I should do a personal shout out to her every week *evil grin*

  6. Awww thanks sweets! Don't worry next time I am in LOS we should hang! xx!

  7. @ the mane captain! Aww come say hi whenever you see me!!! I need hair help :D

  8. Awwwww thanks for featuring me! I just browsing through sef. LOL

  9. Aww
    I came to catch up this morning and look what I saw
    Thank you :)

  10. Thank you for the shout out my darling berry munchkin...xxx


  11. Thank you for the shout out my Berry Munchkin. Came to do my usual check on your blog and i saw this. Hugs dearie. xxx


  12. Aww!! Thanks girl. *running off to check out the others*

  13. Not sure if my previous comment went through but I love Naija Husband - so funny and so real, and Aisle Perfect is one of my favourite wedding sites. And Matilda's Child - if I didn't know I was me and not her, I would think she was me in so many ways. (I am very sane, thank you for asking)

  14. Awww! thanks for the feature dear. Appreciated.


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