Last week we had a looooooong awaited first kiss that was explosive and electrifying! We've got a SPECIAL SPECIAL treat next week!!! As in, I'm almost excited enough to post 2 First Kisses today, but nooooooooooooooooope. Good things come to those who wait.
Anyways, as usual, send stories of your first kisses ever, first kisses with boyfriends/girlfriends, ex-boyfriends/girlfriends, handsome/beautiful strangers, husbands/wives, etc... It will be TOTALLY ANONYMOUS!
Please send your stories to
Anyway, at the FedEx store, this really cute guy who was behind me at the payment counter caught up with me after I paid and was on my way back. It turns out that he was attending the same career fair. It could be that because he is from the South and they are generally more laid back but as we walked back to the career fair, his pace was slow and his voice was relaxing so it helped to calm my nerves down. He gave me his business card and asked me to call him; he got major points for not being pushy and trying to collect my number, even though I had no intention of calling him, lol.
*Our first First Kiss with a Handsome Stranger! My, he sounds like the quintessential Southern (US) gentleman. This reminds me of Gone With The Wind - just the whole Southern thing. I miss Atlanta...*
Thanks Dear Reader for this story. To everyone else, show some love to those around you today :)
Hugs, kisses, winks, a handshake and pat on the back, from moi to you!
Follow @BerryChocoLatte
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