March 4, 2015

Berry Lovely Links

Yo yo yo berryful people!

Who can tell I'm in a happy mood? :D

  1. It's nice to read rags-to-riches stories, like this one, "From Bedouin to Billionaire."
  2. Forbes released their richest people's list, but let's look at The World's Youngest Billionaires. The youngest person there is 24. Yup. 
  3. Do you agree that Fashion Police Should Update It's Look? As in, a completely new cast that doesn't include Guiliana Rancic.
  4. Don't believe the pictures you see on Hotel Websites are real or give the whole truth. LOL, they should come to Nigeria first.
  5. If you've been dealing with insecurity (like I have lately - weight stuff), check out 10 Ways to Boost your Confidence
  6. Speaking of weight, here are 8 Times You Need to Shut Up About Your Weight.


  1. I clicked on the links: Fashion Police Should Update It's Look? and "From Bedouin to Billionaire." Very interesting stuff. I feel so sorry for Guiliana though. I love the grass to grace story too. Thanks for sharing

    1. I think they went in too hard on Guiliana. I'm pretty sure she's not racist.

      Thanks for reading.

  2. I used to love fashion police not so much now.

  3. Young Billionaires definitely rock lol

  4. Fashion police has lost it. Let me go read the bedouin to billionaire story. I need that motivation.

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