January 28, 2015

Berry Lovely Links

Hi Dahlings!

So that's how I almost forgot to post this today. Sawry!!! But I've got some pretty interesting links today. My absolute favorite is #4 though. I literally spent hours reading most of the texts from Crazy Jewish Mom! So I suggest, you balance with some cake, ice cream, hot chocolate, whatever during the weekend and have a good laugh over the pure hilarity. In the meantime, don't forget to NOMINATE NOMINATE NOMINATE me for the Nigerian Blog Awards (Categories 11, 18, and 27 for those who prefer numbers... for all others - Best Humor, Best Personal/Lifestyle, and Best Overall). Make sure to follow the instructions, and click on the link they send back to you, so your nomination counts.

  1. Barbie (the doll) has some Royal Competition in Nigeria
  2. This one has been making the rounds online, but here's a woman who Married Herself when She Turned 40 and was Still Single
  3. Getting married? Here are 6 Reasons You Don't Need a Bridal Party (like me)
  4. If you think Nigerian mothers are bad, clearly you haven't met Crazy Jewish Mom (IG account and Facebook). Trust me, you'll laugh your butts off, and may spend an hour or more going through all her texts :D Maybe read this one on Saturday.
  5. Sometimes I think I'm addicted to the internet. Find out if you are addicted to the internet, with this quiz. My score was 13 - No 'Net Addiction!
  6. I can't get enough of Cakes' PS4 FIFA 15 game... but it's not for the reason you think. Here's why.


  1. Nice Links Berry...I scored 25 in the Net addiction test**covers face n runs away**
    Am an avid reader of ur blog and I've been hanging out here secretly for some months now.Thanks for all the entertainment,Ur doing good I must say.

    1. 25?!?!?!?!?!?!

      LOL, if a good chunk of it is my blog, then you should even score 50!

      Thanks a lot for the kind words :)


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