March 11, 2018

Happy Mother's Day!

To my readers who don't live in America, I want to wish you a Happy Mothers Day.

Last year, I wrote a very heartfelt post to mothers who have lost children - whether through miscarriage, infants or small children (I really should have included grown children and adults too). But this year, I want to speak to the mothers-to-be, particularly those who are still waiting and trying to get pregnant.

You may feel bitter, sad, resentful, and angry about this day. You may not want to hear or welcome any Happy Mothers Day wishes. You may want to curl up and disappear just for today, so you don't have to think about what you have been praying for. I understand. I've been there. Your feelings are valid - you are, after all, a human being. But I want to let you know that God is with you. Even when it seems like He is far away and not listening to you, He's right there by your side. I can't say I know when or how He'll give you your child(ren), but I pray that He does sooner than later.

In the meantime, know this - you are already a mother. A mother is not only someone who gives birth to her children. A mother is someone who nurtures, protects and loves the children within her circle - that includes nieces, nephews, godchildren, little cousins, friends' children, etc. While I stand with you in prayer that God meets your desires, I also ask you to look around and lavish motherly love on the children around you. Hey, if nothing else, start getting your practice now because you'll need it later - TRUST ME, I KNOW.

So even though it may be hard today, I pray that you feel peace that passes understanding. I pray that God covers and envelopes you with His love. I pray that you feel His presence, and know that He is with you. May God answer your prayers, in Jesus name.

Happy Mothers Day to you!

If you like, you can check out my post on 10 Bible Verses to Help You While Trying to Conceive, and Tips for While Trying to Conceive. If you read your Bible via Youversion, you can also search for plans using the keywords - Pregnant, Pregnancy, Fertility or Infertility to find some really good devotionals. God bless!

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