July 9, 2016

Be The Light

I feel the need to let some things off my chest. On this blog, I generally try to have a positive and upbeat space. I have mentioned before that there's too much sadness in the world, and I'd rather just be happy-go-lucky here. I have also mentioned before that I typically don't like to watch news because of aforementioned bad news. Sometimes a news story will hit me so hard that I'm in tears while watching. For that reason, I would rather have my happy space here and not think about the issues of the world.

But it is getting harder and harder every day. I can imagine God in heaven lamenting over this world he created. There is so much hatred, tragedy, prejudice EVERYWHERE! In Nigeria, there's Boko Haram - even though half the country pretends they don't exist. In the Middle East, ISIS is terrorizing and slaughtering people in the name of religion that they don't even practice! In the US, black people are being killed for no apparent wrongdoings, and now the police attacks in retaliation are growing.

WHEN WILL IT STOP?! WHEN WILL IT END?! Do we need another Noah's Ark flood to reset the world? How can someone as a human being take someone else's life?! I feel bad if I litter and people are killing others without a conscience!!!

My heart is heavy. If the entire earth had a soul, I imagine it would be rolling in anguish. I'm at a loss. I don't know what can be done to stop the violence.

All I can say or hope is that we do what we can to show love. Love your neighbor. Love your enemy. Just show love however you can. Be a light in the middle of the darkness that's trying to overwhelm the world.


  1. You're right Berry, most people (should i say me too) are just trying to be happy and pretending nothing wrong is happening! Its everywhere but i believe soon or later, things are going to be alright
    However i still believe the current issue is caused by we humans and we can resolve things by loving one another and showing that we care, instead of the opposite
    TuhamWorld's Blog

    1. I guess there are a lot of us trying to ignore the bad stuff, but it's really not realistic is it? I hope and pray the world gets better soon.

  2. When bad things happen in a location and we are not affected we usally don't take it seriously untill it starts affecting us. That's the major problem with our country and world at large....
    We can only trust God to keep us safe, pray that we love every soul and have no desire to hurt each other.

    1. So true - that's why a lot of people in Nigeria can almost pretend Boko Haram isn't there. We definitely have to rely on God o.

  3. Thank you for this Berry. So so sad. :( Trevor Noah's video (The Daily Show) tore me apart.
    All killing is senseless. The silence in Nigeria here is astounding. The ones who speak are bullied. Sigh... ;(

    1. I actually haven't seen Trevor Noah's video o. But a lot of people are talking about it. Lemme go and find it.

  4. My dear...it's impossible to act like none of this is happening around us. I've been having a hard time processing. It's like you turn on the news and there's one horrible report after another. And for those directly impacted, I cannot imagine the pain and the suffering. if you say your spouse/child went to war at least you know XYZ could happen even though it's still difficult. But the senselessness...it's heartbreaking on all sides.

    1. My dear, right after the other. Every 5 minutes, it's like new breaking news!!! Heartbreaking and senseless are the correct words.

  5. It's terrifying, really. Reading this just made me feel very sad. Love is indeed the weapon we need. Laitanbee Blog

  6. I was easy to stay positive until this happened. It is very sad and scary. It clear that everywhere have its share of evil to deal with.

    1. Everywhere! It's everywhere! Like there's nowhere to hide.

  7. These days I'm to scared to watch the news. I try to shut it all out. Ooh the denial. My heart is broken and still breaking. God help us all.

    Friendship X Ankara Love

  8. Sigh! I just find it hard to comprehend. Killings and wickedness. But we take solace in the fact that God is still on the throne!


  9. Thank you for writing about this, Berry. Some weeks ago the sermon in church was titled, "what will Jesus say to racism in America?" We saw in the Bible how Jesus spoke to Samaritan woman though Jews and Samaritans did not speak to each other back then. We were encouraged to build tables instead of walls. Sometimes the little we do may not seem significant but in our own little ways, we can be the light. This ministers to me so much. Thank you!

    1. What a coincidence! During our family devotion the other day we talked about the Samaritan woman!

      Honestly we all need to do our own parts. Little drops make oceans when you put them together.

  10. I honestly don't even like to depress myself and I feel that is why most Nigerians pretend everything is well until it hits close to home, all I know is that we need to hold on to God and ask for mercy. It's really sad to see everything happening in the world and I really pray none of us gets bad news from our loved ones. Please keep up the happy attitude, it really helps.

    1. Amen to that prayer!!! We definitely need to hold on to positivity sha.

  11. Sigh...no matter how you try to stay away you will see the news. I don't know how we got here.wickedness abounds

    1. Honestly. See the one at Nice yesterday. CHILDREN! INNOCENT CHILDREN!! How do you drive a truck over people for more than one inch, talk less of one mile?!?! EVIL!

  12. The news is everywhere.It seemed easy to escape it sometime ago but as the days go by it's in your face.It breaks my heart how hard and dark people's souls have become.Could God decide to do a purge?I don't know.He alone knows what he's thinking.


    1. It's really terrible, honestly. You try to avoid one headline, another comes along. It's just too much.

  13. Am with you on not watching news, it's sad what is happening to people and it also makes me cry.. I just keep hoping that things will get better.



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