March 27, 2016

Happy Easter!

Hello friends,

I wish you a wonderful Easter celebration today. Let's all take this time to remember and be grateful for the sacrifice and victory of salvation through Jesus Christ. Here in The States, it's more about the Easter Bunny and Easter Eggs - I found out here that this tradition actually comes from churches of old! But, like Christmas, it's important to remember the reason for the season.

berry dakara, youversion, bible, easter, romans 5:8

berry dakara, youversion, bible, easter, romans 8:11

God bless!


  1. I got to explore Easter themes and pictures to use for some of my designs only to discover Easter eggs and nests everywhere. How come I didn't know these are the in-things abroad is still a surprise to me.

    Happy Easter to you too. Let's celebrate the resurrection.

    1. Yeah, these days the bunny and eggs seem to overshadow the crucifixion and resurrection.

      Happy Easter

  2. Happy Easter Berry!

    I hope you've settled in nicely.

    We remain eternally grateful for his glorious resurrection. :-)

    Warm regards.

    1. Thanks dear. Yup, settling in more and more everyday.



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