May 6, 2013

Poll: Blackberry Z10 vs Samsung Galaxy S3


It's my birthday in approximately 3 weeks and I'm thinking about getting a new phone (if not getting a new purse or going to Ghana or having a beach picnic or wa'ev).

I'm not big on phones or gadgets. All I really need is to be able to make calls, chat (Whatsapp is a MUST), take nice pictures and play games every now and then. I've checked up on reviews and I'm kinda leaning more towards the Samsung, since I already have 2.5 Blackberry phones. So I'm leaving it up to you. You have until FRIDAY to respond :)

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  1. Anita Berry dearie there is just no basis for comparison btw those 2 phones. The blackberry Z10 isn't as quick as and sophisticated as the Samsung S3 (watch out for the S4).

    1. Yeah, I think I'm going to go for the S3. And since I'm not really into gadgets, I'm not eagerly awaiting the S4. What about the BB Q10 though?

  2. I would go for BlackBerry q10 because I have a z10 and am like oh why didn't u chill for a q10 instead.
    Then as for the galaxy I would go for s4.
    My opinion

    1. That's what I'm hearing now - Q10 or S4. I might just get the S4 instead.

  3. Emmm biko go to Ghana or buy a purse! #my2cents

    Checkout ReviewNaija to read/contribute to reviews of organizations in Nigeria!

    1. LOL! Nobody to go to Ghana with :( and I'm not trying to get lost there.

      Although, I think I have extended family there o. *thinking cap on*


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