March 21, 2013

Girl Crush - Allison Williams

If you don't watch Girls (on HBO) or live in the States, chances are you have no idea who this chick is. Her name is Allison Williams and I think she's absolutely gorgeous, talented and intelligent! She just happens to be my girl crush of the moment (I change every now and then... Christina Hendricks, Kate Upton, ScarJo, Eku Edewor, etc). Her father is Brian Williams (NBC Nightly News), she's about 24/25, and graduated with an English degree from Yale!

She's a great actress, and sings like an angel (well Disney Princess), and is FUNNY!!! Check out some of her pictures and videos and fall in crush, like moi!

Stunning eyes!

Pretty dress - to copy or not?

1. Mad Men Theme Song/Nature Boy - Allison Williams

There are other videos on Youtube: her imitation of Princess Kate Middleton, and her remixed version of Kanye West's 'Stronger.' I'd like to put them up here, but the language is quite questionable and erm, Dakarents read my blog (let's not shock them). Feel free to look them up yourself.

*twirls away for the day - maybe*


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