June 7, 2019

Berry Lovely Links

Thank God for the end of another work week. I hope you had a good one. I'm happy for the weekend, even though it's going to be filled with rain! It's not so bad, because we haven't had rain in a while and drought was beginning to set in. What's the weather like on your end? I hope you take time out this weekend to read up on some of the links I've curated for your viewing pleasure :)

  1. I should start on this list of Top 10 Books Every Woman Should Read to Get Inspired. have you read any of them?
  2. It's not something I aspire to, but This 21-Year Old is the Youngest Person to Travel to Every Country.
  3. I should have identified this by now, but here are 10 Ways to Develop Your Personal Style.
  4. Hehe, do you know The Danger of Overusing Exclamation Marks?!
  5. BUAHAHAHAHA. This was so fun to read! Can you find any of your exes in this Encyclopedia of Exes?
  6. Sad but this is What Divorced Men Wish They Had Done Differently in their Marriages.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Berry. I'm honestly happy to see the weekend too. Work was a bit intense this week. Just read the encyclopedia of exes! I was dealing with the clinger until hubby called him to set the record straight! Also skimmed through the last article about divorced men. I've learned that it's the small foxes that spoil the vine! Enjoy your weekend Berry!



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