April 17, 2016

Berry's Bible Study - Praying For Others

I'm in the middle of a Romans Bible Study with some ladies, and in the first chapter of Romans, a certain verse struck me and stayed with me. I shared it and my thoughts on Instagram and thought to share it here too.

Praying for your loved ones - Paul sets a good example of this. Praying for family and friends, bringing their needs to God. Sometimes you don't know just how much they may be going through. You don't know if they're struggling to pray themselves. Your prayers for them might just be what is holding and keeping them up.

I know that in some really bad times, it's been the prayers of my family and friends that kept me going and eventually pulled me through. It's important to keep those we love in our prayers constantly. 

One particular prayer I love is this one below, because my grandfather ALWAYS prays it over us whenever we see or speak. I think I shared it once here before, from Numbers 6:24-26 (NKJV)

The Lord bless you and keep you;
The Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace.

I also like the New Living Translation,

May the Lord bless you and protect you.
May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you.
May the Lord show you His favor and give you His peace.

Who do you need to pray for today?


  1. Thank you so much for this word of encouragement. Truth is, our prayers can be sometimes selfish. We feel there are just too many things unsettled in our own lives, why look out for others just yet? But I have come to realize that the more we become selfless, the less we think of 'me me me' and the more we focus on praying for other people, the less magnified our problems become.

    I need to interced more for friends especially. God help me.

    1. I quite agree. There's nothing wrong with praying for oneself, but it's important to remember our loved ones.

  2. This is one area where I have been slacking. Thanks for the reminder!


  3. I agree with you. Praying for others is good and its a blessing unto us. I do that most of the time.
    I don't know if anyone prays for me though. Ha!! Maybe you can say a prayer for me when you read this comment. I need direction in that area in my life (God knows what I mean) and God's strength to do His will. Thank you, Berry. :)


    1. I'm sure you have someone praying for you somewhere. Still I pray that God gives you the direction you seek, open mind and ears to hear and understand, and the spirit to obey Him above all. In Jesus' name, amen.

  4. Such a beautiful and positive message to share. Amen to this!
    Much love xx

    Iman @ Manigazer

  5. praying for others takes d focus off ourselves and gives a feeling of joy and fulfilment you'll never get if you spend all day praying for your self. And as U pray for others,your needs are actually being met but a lot of people don't understand this. Particularly like that scripture in Numbers. All parents should pray that over their children and even themselves. It goes a long way. Thanks Berry.

    1. Thank you so much for your insight Alice. Very well received.

  6. Oh they often say that Numbers prayer at the end of a Catholic Mass. Love it!


  7. I actually pray for my friends. I can be having a discussion with a friend about some guy she just met and I'll quickly say a prayer in my head for her concerning it all.
    At least, this is one area I know I try in. Loool :')


    1. That's very nice and thoughtful of you Cassie. We should all do the same.

  8. Very important to pray for our loved ones, friends and even people we see and often interact with, indirectly it brings us favour. Let me not lie, I don't do it as much as I should but I try to make it a habit. Thanks for the reminder Berry, God bless.

    1. I should make it a habit too. Even my 4 year old nephew mentions everyone by name during his nightly prayers.

  9. I enjoyed this post and it is true we should never be too caught up in our own needs that we forget the needs of others. I love the verse you quoted.



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