April 11, 2016

Progress Report

Hi everyone!

I've officially been back in Atlanta for over a month now. Thursday was the one month mark. It's been an interesting month, I have to say. There have been good and not-so-good aspects of being back here. I'll share more below.

BTW, this post was originally supposed to go up last week Thursday but somehow it didn't get written. I actually had it scheduled in my blog planner. This is why I said in my review post that you actually have to use the planner.
It's not enough to make plans... you have to follow through and put them into action! Otherwise, they are just fanciful wishes or ideas. [Click to Tweet!]
So my progress report is as follows...

The Good
I'm absolutely loving being closer to my siblings again. We're a very close knit family and we chat with each other every single day. So having my siblings (btw Happy National Siblings Day!) closer has been great. Even greater, is watching my nephew and niece growing in front of me. I don't have to wait for my sister to send photos and videos, or to Skype with them. Now they're right in front of me and they bring me so much joy! I love them with all my heart.

The Bad
I'm still jobless and unfortunately, was unable to change much money in Nigeria before coming. I actually had an episode in a bank 2 days before I left Lagos. I literally was crying and stormed out because I was so frustrated. It's so annoying that you have this money that you want to change, but you can't. Basically you have no access to your own money! Even if you try, the exchange rate is criminal! Anyways, I'm basically broke and relying on Cakes' efforts. Thank God for him and his business o. If not, I would have set up a Gofundme page by now and begged for donations :p

The Ugly
Well, those of you who follow me on Snapchat have seen my weight gain woes. Yup, all the weight I worked so hard to lose last year has come back, PLUS MORE! I'm officially the heaviest I've ever been. It's almost taking a toll on my self-esteem because I don't want to do anymore style posts on the blog. I have one that I wanted to put up but I keep looking at my chunky thighs. On the plus side, my boobs sha. Looking sweet!

So that's all I can share for now. Cakes is here with me for a little while before heading back to Lagos to check on the bakery there. ATL people, remember to call 404 993 3770 to order the most creative cakes you can imagine. Speaking of creative cakes, check out these ones from Lagos.

I'm telling you, @Cakesiena will make your cakes from birthday to proposal to bridal shower to wedding to baby shower to dedication to birthday... and the cycle continues!

Love you guys!

P.S. The vlog on this topic should be out this week. If you want any other questions answered, kindly let me know in the comments.


  1. Those cakes look so goooooodddd!!!
    I'm sure everything will fall into place soon. I saw clips of you dancing on instagram lool, that should be helping small small with the weight loss ba ?


    1. Thanks. Well, the dancing would help if it was everyday and if I would eat sensibly. Alas, neither of these is the case :(

  2. OMG. Look at those cakes! Cakes and his team have mad mad mad talent!

    On weight gain, I saw your dance videos on IG and I believe in you. You've done it before, you can do it again.

    1. Thanks for the vote of confidence. That's what I keep telling myself - if I've done it before, I can do it again.

      Did I say thank you again for the Photography class voucher??!?!?!?!

  3. Awww Berry! (In that 'Oh Jerry' MTN advert tone)

    Those cakes are absolutely beautiful. Now I need to really should order a cake from him.

    Don't worry love, you'll get a job soon. In the meantime, look on the bright side, more time to meal prep and possibly work out more often, and spend more time with your family!

    Looking forward to hearing all the awesome news. XX


    1. BUAHAHAHAHAHA - MTN (where did I keep my SIM card o?)

      Thank you ma'am. You're right about having more time for now. I'm making efforts to put it to good use.

      BTW I think you should join Bloglovin.

  4. Look at the creativity behind those cakes.....I love love love it.

    Don't worry about the job thingy, am sure you'll get one soon.

    On weight gain, maybe you can start by taking long walks.


    1. Thank you! I started skipping again today, as I quite enjoyed it last year.

  5. Beautiful. on chunky thighs, I have some experience with that, don't look at it, keep doing your style posts and loving yourself until you achieve your goal! you look yum!God bless Cakes too!

  6. Oh but I can solve "The Ugly" #easy!

  7. Aww it's so nice that you're not far away from your siblings. Now that I don't live with my family, I realise how important they are. Those cakes look so good. Thank you for your comment!xx


    1. Awww. I hope you keep in constant contact with them. Family really is important. *hugs*

  8. The cakes are too adorable...I love it!

  9. Jejely by jejely, all things are falling into place. #REST... :-)

    On weightloss, I fell off too oh, but found this challenge coming up soon I wanna be part of. The site was what I used when I first started the weightloss journey and I know I need the push again.
    Check it out via the link below if you can join up...


    1. Eeek not you too! Please o don't be like me. I'll check out the link ASAP

    2. Eeek not you too! Please o don't be like me. I'll check out the link ASAP

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. BUAHAHAHAHAHA @ twin pregnancy and getting to eat as much as I want. I already have a plan - eat salads and fruits mainly so I don't gain too much :p Well, in my head it seems easy enough :p

      I'm looking into tutoring possibly. There are opportunities to tutor online these days, so why not?

  11. Hi Berry,

    Indeed, making plans without following through equals zero results. But sometimes planning is rather overrated, one makes detailed plans and as they work to bring the plans to fruition, Life happens, taking them a different course, sometimes to an even better destination than originally expected.

    Re: Weight gain. You've reminded me about how lazy I've been about keeping fit this year, I find all sorts of excuses to avoid exercising. Yesterday, I nearly kissed my headache for giving me a valid excuse. Lol

    Best wishes with your job search. :-)

    1. Hi Nedoux,

      Yes, life can get in the way of the best laid plans. Although it reminds me of the verse that says we should commit our plans to God. So plan, pray and commit :)

      LOL @ kissing your headache as an excuse. I think my issues are having bad food around. I prefer to have good, healthy foods around so I don't overdo it.

      Thanks dahling!


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