August 25, 2015

Berry Where's Your Weekend Post

Hi guys,

I know, I know. My late weekend posts seem to be becoming a bad habit. They're usually supposed to be up by 9am (Nigerian time) at the very latest on Mondays. The past 2 weeks, I've posted on Monday evening because I was just too tired on the Sundays before...

which brings me to this point...

Going out and planning activities almost every weekend can get quite tiring. It's not just having to get dressed, go out and have fun. These days, there's very stupid traffic to contend with back to our apartment. No joke, on Saturdays, there's as much traffic as rush hour on weekdays!!! By the time I've gone out, had fun, taken a million photos and driven back in traffic, the exhaustion is on several levels! And I still have to select photos, edit them, watermark them and wait for the slowest internet in the world to upload for my posts. The times I've been able to get my post ready early, I literally select the photos and leave them to upload overnight.

Why am I telling you this?

Well, sometime last week, I had something like an anxiety attack at work. I was about to finish a report, and all of a sudden felt intense pressure in my head. My heart was racing, and it was hard to breathe. I tried walking around and stretching, but it only made me feel claustrophobic. I literally at one point was crying at my desk. Luckily it was only a couple of hours before work was over, so I did some breathing exercises and tried to calm myself, waiting for the clock to tick by.

I think it happened because I really have been simply exhausted - physically, mentally, everything-ally. I actually thought about putting up a post to say that I want to take a 2-week break from the blog and all social media. No weekend outings, no blogging, no putting up Instagram posts for the 3 accounts I manage, just nothing. If life was perfect, I would right now be sitting in some remote Italian village, waking up only to eat, watch the sun and maybe listen to waves crash against the shore.

*takes a deep breath*

So, I just wanted to share. There's actually a weekend post coming later today or tomorrow, but I wanted to just let out some of my thoughts. You guys know I like to share and be honest. So pleeeeeeeeeeease just bear with me, forgive me for the recent late weekend posts, and send some love and prayers my way.

Thanks for reading.

Love ya!


  1. Oh Berry! Here's a hug. I painfully don't comment but I just have to today. You do a good job! Well done.

    1. Thank you very much. *takes hug and hugs tightly right back*

  2. Awwww, hope you feel better now, the anxiety attack doesn't sound like fun atall. M
    Sometimes a break is necessary, I just got back from a 12 day blog break and I feel energized :)
    Wow, I didn't know you managed 3 accounts o, more grease to your elbow.

    1. Thanks and nope, it wasn't fun. I think that breaks are absolutely necessary and I should have tried to pace myself.

  3. Take it easy, Berry. While I enjoy your weekend posts, I always worry that you are constantly on the go. And I mean really worry about your wellbeing, it's okay to go out and have fun, but not all the time, every time. And it becomes a problem when you feel obligated to do these things for the benefit of your blog.
    Look out for you, and take good care.

    1. Thank you Adaugo. I think at some point I started doing it - all the outings - for the blog. It would have been one thing if I did one activity per weekend, instead of multiple things. Anyways, I'm using it as a learning opportunity.

  4. take all d rest u want hun...we need u @ ur best... relax... God is with u

    when daddy asks THE question

  5. Hello Berry,

    Sometimes the stress can be so overwhelming. Ah! Dracula ain't got nothing on the blood sucking powers of Lagos Traffic!

    Get some rest, sip lots of soothing tea, and you'll be good as new.

    Have a beautiful day.

    1. Dracula is a great analogy!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!

      Thanks dear

  6. Awww Berry. I feel your pain. We love you and you can take some time off. We understand. All the best!!!!!

  7. i think you are allowed a break, your posts have been nothing short of awesome and being a blogger too its lots of work. I think we would understand if you need a teeny break, hugs

    1. Awwww you're way too kind! Thanks so much for your very kind words. Much appreciated

  8. Berry just take it easy please. The lord is your strength... I guess you need lots of if you have to..we shall be here waiting :*

    1. Thanks Moby. Amen and I am making sure I rest properly

  9. Awwwww.. Please take it easy !! Maybe you do need that break, you will be missed but you will be better for it!! So sooorrry!!! *Hugs**
    May the Lord strength you and grant you peace that passes all understanding! Rest well oh.

  10. Take a break relax and enjoy. Take a social media break/fast, relax and enjoy doing "nothing"

    1. I've been logging off Instagram and funny enough, it feels relaxing. That social media fast will come soon

  11. Please if you need to take a break,please we all will understand. we love ou Berry to much that we do not want her to breakdown.

  12. Aww Berry hunay,rest all you need,you deserve it!

  13. Hey Berry, thank you for sharing your world with us. Please feel free to take a break if you have to. You can also post random thoughts when you're too tired to upload pics. Enjoy Gods peace. ...first time ever commenting..

    1. Thank you LOA. I'll take your advice for more random thoughts

  14. Aww, so sorry to hear that.
    It's definitely allowed if you decide to take some time off. We'll still be here waiting for you.
    Sending love and light your way

  15. Please rest well o. So this is my question. Do you go out every weekend so you can blog about your outing?

    How Constant Power Supply will drive us to tears

    1. I think that at some point the blogging aspect took over, so even when I went out for fun, I was more worried about getting photos than just experiencing the outing.

  16. Chick! I'm talking to you like I talk to my friends. You need to relax. Take a break if you need to. Post half as frequently if that helps and then you can ramp back up again. Crafting blog posts is not easy especially with a 9 to 5!

    1. Thanks lady (pun intended). I know I know. I'll take it easier

  17. Merry Berry, you need a break ooo!!! Pele love.
    Denim "N" Prints

  18. Please take a break. I am currently on a 5 day posts till next monday. Its much needed sometimes.

    1. You're right o. I should definitely have slowed down before getting to a breaking point

  19. Dear Berry, please remember that you always come first! Your well being is far more important than blog deadlines. So relax, take it easy and eat some cake! (I'm not being dirty! I swear!). We all need to ctrl + alt + del every now and then.

    Don't worry, we'll still be here! Lotsa love!

    1. Buahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! *ahem, eating cake never hurt me before*

  20. Some times the pressure to blog consistently can be tasking but just remember to breathe at times like that. Taking a break would be a good idea too. I hope your feeling better.

    Princess Audu

    1. I am dear, thank you. I'm definitely going to take things easier.

  21. something similar happened to me a while back and what helped was switching back to paper.
    computers, tablets, phones used for work or personal reasons might indirectly work us up.
    try to do your work reports in a notebook before going to the PC, write your blog posts with a pen, buy paperback novels and drop the ebooks for a while.
    may God be with you dear..

    1. Funny enough, I just got 5 paperback books by chance so you're definitely onto something


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