September 22, 2014

Weekend Shenanigans: Dinner with Berry and Cakes

Hello Darln's!

I hope you had a nice weekend :)

I had a pretty restful one. I had determined to sit at home the whole weekend long (apart from church). Saturday went as planned - I literally didn't even open my apartment door. I did do something though, which involved a tutorial and video equipment (if I like the results, I'll share it at a later date). This post though has to do with Saturday evening. Since I was home, and feeling erm, somehow, I decided that Cakes and I should have a romantic dinner (instead of the usual watching TV and eating in the living room). So I got the food ready (I didn't say I cooked :p) and we had a pretty good time.

Note to self: Turn TV off and play soft, romantic music next time.




Have a beautiful week errbawdy!!!


  1. awwwwwwww! Cute! Joy will continually be found in your home in Jesus name!

  2. Awww nice!! I love this idea.. And you both look very happy and beautiful! :-)

  3. really cute.....i love the candle effect, soooooooo romantic
    *gently lies on my office desk and drifts off to dreamland in search of the prince*............
    Have a lovely week darlings :D
    The Beautiful Eagle

  4. That's a pretty dining set

  5. Waoh! The dining area looks so nice and the food looks delicious.
    You both look so relaxed.
    Is it weird that the pics make me feel like getting married?

  6. This is such a simple yet fabulous idea

  7. Awww this is so cute Berry. Dinner is better when we eat it jare.....they missed out the jare part. This is so romantic. I likey.

  8. Absolutely lovely. Quiet evening in....very nice!

  9. Very romantic. You guys have a lovely dinner set

  10. Lovely. Lols @ I didn't say I cooked anything ohh

  11. So cute! And i know i have said this before but i really love your dining


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