January 23, 2019

Winter Blues

Hey there! Long time no style post. It's not like I'm good at style posts anyways - I was told that I'm not fashionable, after all. I dress well, but I'm not stylish - I definitely do not follow trends, I don't dress very well for my body type/shape, etc. My personal style is kinda weird and all over the place. I like a lot of monochrome outfits, while also liking my Nigerian attire. I almost wish I could wear more heels, and I certainly wish I looked more pulled together in an easy, classy, chic, and effortless manner. Alas, I'm not! But guess what? I will still put up Style posts because it's my blog and President Obama said, Yes I can! LOL



These photos were taken by my sister, Tammy. You can find her photography account on Instagram @Tambari_Photo.

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