July 30, 2013

Recent Snaps - Selfies Galore!

Buongiorno, amici miei!

These are just a few selfies I've taken and put together over the past few weeks. They range from Brides Day Out (of which, I'm not really supposed to post my own pics of the event, but they're taking quite a bit of time in posting their pictures, and I can't resist sharing), to random mornings at work, to food, etc.

Just a casual Friday at work

Brides Day Out

Berry and Chef Fregz at the recent Chef Fregz Special

I got to work and felt kissy :-|

Can you believe I'm not on Instagram...yet?!

I'm getting on there VERY VERY SOON! I have the most random urges to make short videos and stuff, so... wait, does Instagram do videos too?

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  1. lol yes Berry instagram allows short videos..lucky you! lolol

  2. 1. I am loving the hair in the first pictures. The top is pretty cool to
    2. The braids are cute. You look quite different with them
    3. I cannot believe you are not on Instagram. I am usually the last hold out but blogging "forced" my hand
    4. Yes, Instagram does video and I don't like it. It bugs me to be swiping and mistakenly play a video

    1. 1. Thank you ma'am
      2. Thank you again ma'am
      3. LOL! I'm still trying to tweet regularly, muchless instagram.
      4. Well, get ready for thousands of videos from moi!

  3. 1. I am loving the hair in the first pictures. The top is pretty cool to
    2. The braids are cute. You look quite different with them
    3. I cannot believe you are not on Instagram. I am usually the last hold out but blogging "forced" my hand
    4. Yes, Instagram does video and I don't like it. It bugs me to be swiping and mistakenly play a video

  4. Dear Berry can you please tell chef Fregz i would love the recipe for the Curry and basmati rice and that wicked looking salad! omg! I am suddenly hungry!

    Lovely photos babes.


  5. I wish I could steal your hair in the first picture and just put it on my head :) hehehe. Lovely pictures as always girl.

    1. Lol, thanks.

      Truthfully speaking, it was a hairstyle gone wrong. I was trying to copy something and it didn't work out, so I improvised, naturally.

  6. U look great Berry and I don't see the 'oroboness' anywhere.


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