November 16, 2015

Berry's Dad Posts - Why we should appreciate Nigeria

You read the title right. This post is coming from my dad. Not like he wrote it o, but he specifically told me this story for the blog. So... Enjoy.

We should all be grateful for Nigeria. Yes, our country has a lot of unnecessary problems but there are things every now and then that make you appreciate Nigeria.

While abroad recently I had a meeting with a gentleman. We had agreed on a venue and I set out to go for it. Just as I left the house, my phone crashed.
It refused to come back on, and there was no way of communicating. I eventually got to the restaurant and selected a table, waiting for him. I had never met him before so I didn't know what he looked like - every black man that entered, I watched and waited to see if he was my appointment.

After 2 hours of waiting and no-show I left the restaurant and headed to the mobile service provider to fix the phone or get a new one. I was able to get across to the man who said that he had been trying to call me to let me know he changed the meeting venue!

On the drive home, I thought of my country because if this had happened in Nigeria, I would simply have brought out my other (Glo or MTN or Etisalat or Airtel) line!!!

So the moral of the story is, thank God we're forced to have more than 1 phone in Nigeria.

The End.


  1. Haha!
    Your da!
    But it's true. I have plenty sim ohh, even one for modem sef, just incase..i switch it up!
    So thank God for that!

    1. LOL!!! I have only 2. I can't handle more than two.

  2. Very true Berry. One that I am so grateful for is Nanny/househelp. Their affordability is a life saver. Also, that most of our food is organic. Bless God for Nigeria.

    1. Hehehe!

      You are so right, so many blessings to count. Most of our food is organic and we don't even have to pay a premium price for the organic effizy.

    2. You're right. It's affordable to get a live-in nanny, and driver, and ironing-man, etc.

      And truedat to organic food.

  3. Haha. Valid point! I used to wonder why my friends in Nigeria have more than one phone.. Well, I guess this could be why. Ha :)

    1. Lol, it's because signals go in and out all the time, so you need at least 1 backup phone, or even 2.

  4. Hello Berry,

    Lol, I appreciate the moral of your Dad's story.

    It's reminded me to be thankful for the good things even when complaining about the not-so-great things about this country.

    Now that I think of it, most of our problems are man-made and would go away with the establishment of a system that works for the good of all.

    We are so fortunate not to have natural disasters like Hurricanes, Tornadoes, or Earthquakes.

    Have a lovely week.

    1. And thank God we don't have those natural disasters, because I don't see how any Nigerian government would have been able to handle any of them!

      But yes, there are silver linings in the midst of all the craziness of Nigeria.

  5. Lol!! So true. I love Nigeria and I agree most of our problems are man made Gid has really blessed us with natural gifts. Hopefully things change and we can actually enjoy the natural free gifts we have.

  6. Loooll. I don't know who is worse. You or your dad. Looolll.

    Mrs Brown’s Ministry


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