December 4, 2014

Berry and Cakes in Bed

FUN FACT: About 10 years ago, I couldn't fathom sharing a bed with anyone - not even a husband. Yeah yeah yeah, I was being naive and very selfish. Sue me.

I declared, and very proudly and loudly too, that I would make sure that I had a separate bedroom whenever I got married. I was so sure that having to share a bed forever would be the most uncomfortable thing. Why?

  1. Because hello, I like my space. Not just my space, my space on the bed too. Well, let's just say this fear was confirmed. See how Cakes likes to sleep.
    Dude, what happened to YOUR side of the bed?
  2. Secondly, what if my future husband's body was too hot - temperature wise, not looks-wise. I didn't want to have to worry about sweating at night. However, this has turned out to be a good thing. Since Mr. Cakes likes to sleep with the AC at 0 degrees, I need his body heat to keep me warm.
    Okay, this can be OUR side
  3. What if my future spouse and I had a fight? Was I still supposed to sleep on the same bed? Dramatic me would rather have had a separate bedroom to go to (or go and sleep on the kitchen floor to prove a point). Well, since getting married and trying to fly to Mars during arguments and not succeeding, this is how we sleep.
    I'm so distraught I can't sleep
But even though some of my fears were confirmed, and some were obviously just me being silly, nothing beats when we're both happy and not distracted by technology, as below


  1. hahahahaha! Berry ooooo....i knew you were upto something! You got me.....wasn't expecting "we are baking"

  2. Lol berry, I like my space too. But I have kissed that good bye a long time ago. Hubby and our 2kids sleep on same bed. Getting my older toddler to sleep alone is an ongoing war.

    1. Hahaha! Well, I suppose it'd be fun having the kids in bed sometimes.

  3. First of all Berry, I need to get this off my chest. So you forgot me?? Ur BFFBF (Best friends by force, if you remember cos you coined that) *angryface* Well, I'll take just 10% of the blame cos I've been here but silent. Oh, since we are somewhat bff's, I can share with you that I welcomed my son 2months ago and its my 1st anniversary soonest just like you and Cakes.
    Back to the post, I can totally relate with picture 3. I'm usually upset because of a fight but I get angrier bcos he's even sleeping n I can't. Whew!!
    I really loved this post n I love me some Berry Dakara. Hugs

    1. MY BFFBF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let's blame you because you fashied me and stopped commenting.

      CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woot woot, I love babies. Give him a kiss from Aunty Berry :)

      Lol, sometimes when we fight, I can't sleep which means I can't function properly the following day :p


  4. Me too, I love my space. I don't share beds. Mehn, I will miss that when I get married. :(

  5. I guess we are different people then. I love sleeping with other people: men, women, children, friends, and even enemies. I just love knowing that there is another human breathing beside me while I sleep.

  6. Lmao! Na you funny pass. Thank God, your hubby is your best friend.

  7. Lol! Funny funny post! I Luv it! Yeah the bed thing has always crossed my mind, I can share a bed but its the holding each other, i feel like i can't breathe lol! dramatic me. The other thing I think about is the ring, I love my fingers free, the thought of wearing a ring all day, every day is.....yikes! So I started wearing cocktail rings a lot to get used to the feeling but even at that I find myself removing it at times & flinging into my bag! lol! but I know when the time comes I'll be fine!

    1. Notice how my face is away in the drawings? I feel like I can't breathe too if your face is right in my face. I'm not trying to breathe in carbon dioxide :p

      I have an upcoming post on rings :D

  8. Loool. Baking the little one :p

  9. haha LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Berry these cartoon u used in describing is soooooooooooooooo funny especially the one where ur head dey hot like red chili pepper i officially LOVE u.

  10. Rotflol.. I still can't. Whenever I have friends sleep over, I go to another room or crash on the floor. It's just so freaking hot. Actually when I lived where the weather usually got to -20 celcius in winter I still couldn't share.. Meanwhile the heatwave in nigeria right now is on a whole 'nother level.. I've abandoned all jewelry and wristwatches etc till further notice..

    1. Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy is it so hot?!?!? Global warming is very real.

      Me too; I'd rather have the bed to myself or sleep on the couch.

  11. Lol this is me whenever I sleep over at the boo's place. Plus, it doesn't help that he's so big (not fat, just bigger than me)...he rolls over and places his arm on me and I swear I can't breathe. I'm all for cuddles but biko once it's sleep time "to thy tent oh Israel!"

    1. Exactly - cuddle time is different from sleep time.

  12. Lolllllllllllllllllllll @ the red face. That was so funny. And I love me some baking!!!!!!! Reason I can't fight for long. We been married close to 14 years.

    1. Awww, 14 years! Wow. May God grant you decades upon decades.

  13. lol,nice post plus funny pictures.I love the fact that you always reply us whenever we comment,that s soo nice,keep it up,May God bless our homes.

    1. Thanks. And I really try to respond, even if it takes me weeks to get to it. Amen. God bless!

  14. OMG, I loooove this post Berry. Truthfully, I'm not a fan of long posts but while this seemed long, i read every single word until the last one. I love your sense of humour for sure.

    1. Lol, it's not even a long post. And you have posts that are loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong! :p

      Thanks :)

  15. Your name should b berry drama queen. Lol... Your sense of humour is way outta this World. Hw do you even think of these things?

  16. Lol, this post literally had me rotfl.......u r a clown Berry. And the illustrations? OMG! they keed me, how did u do that? Lol, the post is so funny, i can't even think of what i feel about sharing my bed space. I probably won't mind it. LMAO

  17. Omg. I cldnt help but laugh. This is the on going war between me and my fiance! I always have to tap him to "shift na" or "move na" or "I'm sleeping at d edge of d bed na, do u want me to fall off?" before he wld actually move and in some 20 mins, he back to me like super glue! I had to ask if the space was for his invisible girlfriends or what? And then I wake up in pains due to sleeping in one position all through the night!


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