October 23, 2014


Just a quick one here!

Yesterday was my dad's birthday :) My dad is shy so I won't post a picture, even though my fingers have been itching to since Tuesday. Anyways, I love my dad so much and a lot of people say I look most like him, and share some of his character traits - one of which is refusing to go to events if I wasn't invited :p. My dad is such an inspiring man - people who know him go on and on about how straightforward and honest he is. Integrity and humility are words that are usually used when people talk about him too.

He can also be VERRRRY goofy! You walk into a room, he sees you clearly, you see him clearly, and then he pretends he's sleeping and snoring. Yup, I do the exact same thing to Cakes all the time :D

I don't want to go on and on, but here's to my dad and wishing him waaaaaaaay many more years and wisdom and blessings and much more!

Continuing in the celebratory mood, today's my grandparents' 64th wedding anniversary!!! Can you beat that?! I just love the 2 of them so much!!! Hugs from me to you guys and hope I see you soon :)

wedding annirversary


  1. Awwww...64th???? thats soooooo inspiring. Am loving them already. These are the kinds that can speak in marriage seminar BOLDLY....Berry, pls...i want/need grandma in my life o.....tell her i celebrate her.

  2. Congratulations to your grandparents and happy birthday to your dad.


  3. Happy Birthday to your dad!!! And 64 years of marriage? Wow. My hats off to your grandparents.

  4. Congrats to your grandparents! 64 YEARS!!! Happy Birthday to your pops.

    Don't Touch The Hair

  5. Okay...
    It is your grandparents having a 64th anniversary, I claim it in Jesus name, amen

    Happy Birthday to your dad


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  6. Happy Birthday to your dad, Berry!! And a round of applause for your grandparents. 64 years...whew!

  7. So much to celebrate! Happy Birthday to your Dad—I wish him good health and many more happy birthdays to come. It's an honour for you to share some of his traits since he's such a great man!

    And congrats to your grandparents on celebrating 64 years of marriage. Such a dapper-looking couple!

  8. Happy Birthday to your dad and HAPPY WEDDING ANNIVERSARY TO YOUR GRANDPARENTS!!! Yes, I am screaming. 64 years is not 'beans' :)

  9. Happy anniversary to your dad and mom!
    Hopefully, we-the modern ones will take a leaf from them. 64years is just out of this world! I say amen for even longer for myself by God's grace.

    Ps:we won't mind some secrets gotten from an interview with them by you? :-)

    1. Thanks girl. Next time I visit them I'll definitely get some pointers and advise from them

  10. Wow. Congrats to your Dad ans grandparents. Your brother looks like your grandfather in the top left picture.

    1. Thank you. And you know what? You just might be right. Never noticed it.


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