October 10, 2020

Getting to Know Berry Dakara

Hey y'all!

How are ya? I hope you're doing fine and dandy. 

I'm here today to tell you about my recent guest features on 2 podcasts (and a bonus one). I haven't been regular with blogging, but I have been pretty consistent in the podcasting space. My podcast, Mommy Oyoyo is gaining traction and if you haven't yet listened to an episode, I'd say you should check out the very first one to hear why I started the podcast. BUT for the purpose of getting to know Berry 2.0 a little better, I'd like to share these podcast episodes I featured on below :). You can listen while exercising, cleaning, working, relaxing, watching the kids, cooking, fixing the car, running general errands - the list is endless!

1. SEX DURING/AFTER DIVORCE featuring Berry Dakara on the I AM AFRICAN PODCAST hosted by Verastic

Vera and I are just two mad women who stay laughing and making jokes about everything! The feedback I've received from people who have listened range from, "OMG Berry, you and Vera are hilarious!" to "I've just been laughing since I started listening," to "It was very inspiring to hear 2 Nigerian women speak so openly about divorce, and in a light-hearted manner." So, I implore you to listen if you'd like to be entertained by both of us as we share our thoughts on sex during and after divorce.

2. FREEDOM TO COME HOME featuring Berry Dakara on the SHE SPEAKS BOUGIE PODCAST hosted by Tennielle Clark

I met Tennielle at this event in 2016 and we bonded instantly that day. Over the years, even though she moved to a different state, we have kept up with each other via texts and Instagram. She has a wonderful podcast that aims to celebrate black women. I was pleased when she reached out to me to feature on her podcast and talk about the freedom to be an adult while still living in my parents' house. I was pretty open (what else is new) and covered motherhood, divorce, my relationship with my parents and finding myself again as a woman, as the Berry you all know and hopefully love.

3. SINGLE MOM LIFE featuring Berry Dakara on the MOMMY OYOYO PODCAST hosted by ME!

I wasn't quite sure about adding this link/episode to this blog post, but hey, why not? In the latest episode of the podcast (which is close to 10,000 listens), I shared what being a single mother has been like for me so far. I know not everyone will be happy about some of the things I say, but as I mentioned in the episode, it's not my intent to make anyone look bad - I just stated the situation as it's been.

If you listen to any of these episodes, please let me know. I'm open to hearing feedback (positive and constructive) from you. 

Have a great weekend!


  1. I can't wait to listen, especially the one with Vera hahahah! I'm just not really a podcast person and just learning to listen to more podcasts.

  2. I hope this doesn't come off the wrong way because it's coming from a good place.

    Please drop the entitlement attitude. You've been married before so you know married people have their own issues too.

    You can't go around expecting people/friends to do anything for you or putting pressure on people to do things for you.

    The idea that your married friends should know to offer help and give you time for a breather is sort of setting other people up for failure. I say other people because it may have worked for you but another person will not be so lucky if they walk around feeling entitled to this.

    People should be encouraged to ask for help. Having an ego and not wanting to ask for help is not the right mindset and that comes with consequences. The only person that is obligated to care for your child (emotionally and financially) is the other parent and they should be help accountable.

    Have you thought of going the child support route because you shouldn't have to carry the financial load alone. After-all you both gave birth to the child.

    1. Hi Fine Babe, thank you for your comment and I believe for listening to the podcast because I think that's what you're referring to. A listener asked a question if I remember correctly how married friends can support their single parent friends, and I gave different ways that they can support.

      I'm not sure how my answer came off as my feeling entitled because that's certainly not me. If I don't even feel entitled to my own family's help, then far be it from me to feel entitled to other people's help.

      However IF anyone can help AND wants to help out, then please by all means do so. Everyone has problems as you rightly said and should only offer help that they are willing and able to give (without resentment).

      In the same vein, people should ask for help if they need it, I agree. And just because they ask doesn't mean that it will be offered. The same way I can't always help to watch my nieces and nephews, is the same way my girls won't always be able to help out in one way or another. It's life. Sometimes people can help, sometimes they can't, sometimes they just don't want to. C'est la vie.


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