May 23, 2016

Agbada Stylin!

Hello there!!!!!!

Hoo are ye?! Lang time nae see. It's been donkies since a last saw ye. Can you tell I'm currently on my way to Scotland? All 10 of us are on a train heading over there, which means we have 5 days more of vacay time. Have you been following my Snapchat?!?!? It's BerryDakara if you wanna hang out with me and the fam while we have fun.

Anyways, today my style post features even more stuff from Jeff Urban Clothing. You remember he made my etibo-inspired outfit, my newspaper dress and Cakes' outfit? Well, I also had him make Agbadas for my sisters and I, and the youngest one, Tammy wore hers for her graduation in Mobile, Alabama.

 BTW, Nazuri Curls on fleek much?!?!?

I like these last set of photos with the full outfit on.

You can order your outfits from Jeffrey. Follow him on Instagram - @mr_uzz and @jeffurbanclothing.

I can't wait to wear mine! My plan was to wear it for my birthday but I don't know if I will anymore. What do you think?


  1. She pulled it off so well! And wearing it for her graduation was pretty brave! (and different). Love it. Congratulations to her Again! Enjoy Scotland!
    6 Love Lessons Learnt from my Wedding Ring

    1. I'm so glad I talked her into wearing it for her graduation. It really suits her, doesn't it?

  2. wowwwwww
    so on fleek!

    Congrats on graduation!

  3. Nice one...Tammy looks great in it....I think U might do a collection of different African outfits on ur bday

  4. Have a nice time in Scotland!
    I love her confidence in that outfit.

    Precious Core Blog

    1. She really rocked it! I can't wait to wear mine.

  5. Hi Berry,

    The agbada fits her so well, looks pretty comfortable too. I like the fit of the trousers, the tapered legs are so chic. She must have received loads of compliments on her grad day.

    Enjoy the rest of the week, and have fun in Scotland. :-)

    1. I agree - she said it was very comfortable too. And I love how it looked on her. She got compliments on her hair and the outfit.

      Scotland was fun!

  6. Enjoying the snaps and look forward to them!

    1. Awww, I'm glad you like them. I enjoy Snapping.


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