November 28, 2018

Introducing my GOAL GETTER GUIDE

Hey there!

I announced on Instagram about 2 weeks ago that I have been working on a Goal Setting packet, and will have it available for download this coming Saturday, December 1st!

We're practically at the end of 2018, and for some reason, I really feel the urge to start making plans for 2019. There's an unrest within me that knows that 2019 is going to be a different year. Different in that, I will make moves towards the life that I dream about. I've shared some of my goals (both personal and for my blog) in the past. And while, I achieved some of those goals, I'm not quite sure how well I prepared or planned for them.

Lately, I feel the need to take the time to sit, think about the things I want, pray about those things, and start planning towards them in little steps and in order of priority. Too many times, some of the things I want to do seem larger than life (even if I've seen others do something similar), or it seems like I have too many ideas/options on my plate. I get overwhelmed and end up not doing much of anything.

Before 2019 hits, I wanted to start the process of deliberately setting my goals and planning them out in a determined manner. I actually wrote out a list of goals in October and shared them with the people closest to me (only one person actually gave me any real feedback, but wa'evs!). A few weeks later, I realized I was doing the same thing I've always done - write out goals, without taking the time to even plan how I would achieve them. And so, I talked my girls into having a Goal Setting session, so we could all sit together and let "iron sharpen iron."

I decided it would make some sense to have a spreadsheet as a guide to help us along, and started to create one, but then it took on a life of its own. Within a few hours, I had created a full blown Goal Setting packet! And then the thought came to me, "Maybe you should share this online." And so I put out feelers on Instagram and got encouraged that at least 2 or 3 people would be interested in trying it out. I then decided that I would certainly have it available for download on December first, and have spent the past 2 weeks tweaking and retweaking; asking for feedback; having immense doubt and fear; getting motivated and encouraged by different people; etc.

I wish I could have this as a printed guide actually, but I'll settle for an e-copy for now. Next year, I may have it as a tangible booklet you can hold in your hands and carry around with you.

I thought I should let you all know that this is happening, and I hope you'll download and share it with others. I'm actually collaborating with another blogger who's having a Goal Setting workshop sometime soon, so I'm pretty excited!

Have a wonderful rest of the week!

1 comment:

  1. Cool! Will love to try it out because i need to be more disciplined with my goals and time duration ... Where can i download it?


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