April 9, 2014

Happy by Pharrell

Hey friendly friends :)

So you know this song, Happy, by the vampire Pharrell Williams? It was nominated for an Oscar for best song in a movie, Despicable Me 2. Let me tell you, I ABSOTIVELY POSILUTELY LOVE the song! I think it's one of my favorite songs in the whole wide world, and in fact, I wish I had heard it earlier because I would have wanted to use it in my wedding. The song just radiates joy in a world full of chaos. For just 4:08 minutes, you can forget that there are missing planes, warring countries, fuel scarcities that make ZERO sense, broken hearts, etc.

Did you know that the actual video is 24 hours long?! As in, Pharrell decided to make the video a 24-hour project and there are 24 1-hour videos from 12am to 12am on Youtube and on the 24 Hours of Happy website. Isn't that just genius?!

Now, for all the happiness from Happy, I have to make 2 confessions...

  1. Happy makes me sad. Why, you ask? Because I don't understand how Pharrell Williams made a 24-hour video of Happy without asking me to be in the video! I mean, I would have been the perfect candidate to have my own slice of Happy in the video. I would have skipped, twirled, danced, shaken my boobage and shown the world that I am happy! 
  2. Happy seems to have a negative effect on me physically. Let me explain. About 5 weeks ago, I decided that I would watch Happy one hour at a time, everyday until I finished the whole thing. So I sat down jejely and started with the 12am hour of Happy. 30 minutes into it, I noticed that I was feeling pressure in my chest. It felt like there was a big load just sitting on my chest and I figured it was something I ate or drank. I turned off the video cos I felt really uncomfortable and decided to get some fresh air. A couple of hours later, the feeling was still there. Long story short, I had palpitations (meaning I could feel my heart beating in my chest) and  I went to the clinic and found out that my heartbeat was irregularly irregular. I was given heart medication and told to stay off caffeine for one month.
    I largely stayed off caffeine and took my medicine faithfully. 3 weeks into it, I decided to retry watching Happy, and guess what... palpitations - no joke. In fact, as I'm writing this post now, I'm feeling the pressure in my chest again and I'm not sure if it's because I drank tea or because I'm thinking about Happy. 
This is as random as a post gets, but I felt like sharing. Enjoy my favorite video which makes me sick, literally.

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  1. LOL... Oh dear, Berry! You never know what to expect on your blog! Loveeet!
    I listened to the Happy song once and I liked it but me thinks for your heart's sake, you should stay off 'Happy' for a bit.. Yes? xx

    1. Even looking at your comment to reply makes me feel funny.

  2. Wow! Dats strange. Hope u are okay now?

  3. Woah, that's something! Perhaps you get so happy that your heart gets so full of happiness and gets choked up...?!

    1. Lol, I'd rather my heart wasn't affected at all.

  4. Hmm *puzzled face* I wonder if the rhythm of the song triggers it... thats impossible right? Glad you are better now :) x

    1. I actually wondered about that - the musicality of the song, cos it doesn't make sense to me.

  5. Lol, it's serious but i can't help cracking up. Maybe it's just not palpitations, maybe you get so happy watching or listening to"Happy" that your heart feels like it will explode into fragments of 24 happy pieces. Home remedies: try breathing techniques and make sure you are not dehydrated. Be well!

    1. Lol, I joked along those lines, but please... NO explosions wanted! I'll try the breathing exercises and drink more water.

  6. U r so crazily funny!
    I think I would have my heart palpitations checked too.i feel it beating out of my chest sometimes but I didn't know it was something I could complain about or that it was an issue.When I check my Bp,it shows the irregular heartbeat sign.
    And I am on NHIS oh,not like I pay at the hospital.

    1. Hehe, it's not my fault that random things like this happen to me all the time.

      Yeah, you should get yourself checked if you feel funny.

  7. I LOVE this song. I posted about it too. It seriously makes me want to skip and dance everywhere. I feel you - he obviously made a huge error in judgement when he left US out of the video. The nerve!!

    As per your heart, maybe you're just still long enough to notice what's going on with it. Or is that you start dancing and then feel unwell?? No matter sha, I will be praying for God's healing.

    1. As in, I just don't understand the oversight! The video is incomplete without us.

      Not dancing o. Just sitting still and doing my usual work Thanks :)

  8. Looolll. Are you saying you aint used to being happy, and that all your previous happiness were not genuine? Lol

    But really, how can one watch a 24 hr video on the internet? Won't we finish all our data, thanks to Nigerian internet companies that are data misers.

  9. I just discovered the song recently, downloaded it yesterday night sef. It's such an infectiously joyous song.

  10. And to think that after reading this post I ran off to go download the song, I listened to it and instead of me to enjoy it n be happy, I was busy checking out for signs of palpitations...like seriously, who does that????? Now I av to agree with sisters, am just a clown!

  11. Love it too
    Visit tosyne101.wordpress.com

  12. Hi berry. Sorry about the palpitations. Maybe you should stay off pharrel for a bit. Till your heart can handle it (literally) . Call me a sadist but I can't the video. After watching it almost 12 times in one particular day( because every music station I flipped through seemed to think I hadn't had enough), I decided that I had had exactly just that. Enough!!! But the song is exactly what it is...... A happy song

  13. Lovely song. About the way you're feeling...me thinks someone is in baking in the oven :)

  14. Please stop listening to or watching happy. lol


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