February 15, 2019

Berry Lovely Links

Happy Belated Valentine's Day.

Who got what? Who gave what? The most important question to me is who ate what? I'm taking Little Miss Cocoa out for a Mummy-Baby date tomorrow, because I hardly ever spoil myself and I really want to go out for a meal - and because she'll eat free, even though she eats like an adult, LOL! Well, I hope you enjoyed yesterday for what it was. Let's check out some links, shall we?

  1. I started listening to my friend's podcast on Sole Parenting last week (which I'll share in a list of my favorite podcasts soon). But if you're a single parent, here's an article on Single-Mum Budgeting. It works for Single Dads too, FYI.
  2. To be honest, I'm getting little tired of lists of things that you should do/be, but some of the points in 40 Things Every Woman Should Know Before She Turns 40 resonated with me. 
  3. I came across this post last week, and discovered I meant to include it in one of my Lovely Links 2 years ago, so now's a good time! Here's What to Say to a Grieving Friend.
  4. This was another link I wanted to post, but I'm not sure if I ever did. It's When They Chose to Sing - the writer's friends struggled with infertility but got their miracle baby!
  5. When I saw Ghana as the Next Big Tourist Destination, I just sighed for Nigeria. *hiss*
  6. This poor lady was Date Pranked. I literally cringed as I read the story :(
Have a loverly, darling, beautiful weekend!


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